1. I am the son of Dabba, a branch not twisted,
My flame rises when the fire has died down.
١. أَنا اِبنُ ضَبَّةَ فَرعٌ غَيرُ مُؤتَشَبِ
يَعلو شِهابي لَدى مُستَخمَدِ اللَهَبِ
2. Sa'd the son of Dabba brought me up for leadership
That rises high in power and nobility.
٢. سَعدُ بنُ ضَبَّةَ تَنميني لِرابِيَةٍ
تَعلو الرَوابِيَ في عِزٍّ وَفي حَسَبِ
3. If you reach its summits you will see around it
Encircling squadrons of its young horsemen.
٣. إِذا حَلَلتَ بِأَعلاها رَأَيتَ بِها
دوني حَوامِيَ مِن عِرّيسِها الأَشِبِ
4. The women of the bold, the morning after fright,
And the strikers of the lofty, unbroken waves.
٤. المانِعينَ غَداةَ الرَوعِ نِسوَتَهُم
وَالضارِبينَ كِباشَ العارِضِ اللَجِبِ
5. I still follow my elders and weary them
Until you stagger, o son of a dog!
٥. ما زِلتُ أَتبَعُ أَشياخي وَأُتعِبُهُ
حَتّى تَذَبذَبتَ يا اِبنَ الكَلبِ بِالنَسَبِ
6. I am the son of Dabba, to the tribe who bowed down,
The best of tribes, so this is the best lineage.
٦. أَنا اِبنُ ضَبَّةَ لِلقَومِ الَّذي خَضَعَت
خَيرُ القُرومِ فَهَذا خَيرُ مُنتَسَبِ
7. God raises me as glory itself knows
And support lies in a prepared, unerring multitude.
٧. اللَهُ يَرفَعُني وَالمَجدُ قَد عَلِموا
وَعِدَّةٌ في مَعَدٍّ غَيرُ ذي رِيَبِ
8. And an honored house of our first ones in power
An inherited glory to which all nobles belong.
٨. وَبَيتُ مَكرُمَةٍ في عِزِّ أَوَّلِنا
مَجدٌ تَليدٌ إِلَيهِ كُلُّ مُنتَجَبِ
9. From Darim, when authority was confused
And the people's policies were in the severity of distress,
٩. مِن دارِمٍ حينَ صارَ الأَمرُ وَاِشتَبَهَت
مَصادِرُ الناسِ في رَجّافَةِ الكُرَبِ
10. Khindif knew, glory being her mantle,
That the power was ours in the first epochs.
١٠. قَد عَلِمَت خِندِفٌ وَالمَجدُ يَكنُفُها
أَنَّ لَنا عِزِّها في أَوَّلِ الحِقَبِ
11. And in tradition, when views were conflicting
In the plain of polytheism or in the whiteness of the Arabs,
١١. وَفي الحَديثِ إِذا الأَقوالُ شارِعَةٌ
في باحَةِ الشُركِ أَو في بَيضَةِ العَرَبِ
12. And every day of alarm we were its leaders
When the valorous lay flat and the ram led the riding camels.
١٢. وَكُلِّ يَومِ هِياجٍ نَحنُ قادَتُهُ
إِذا الكُماةُ جَثَوا وَالكَبشُ لِلرُكَبِ
13. Squadrons of ours like the night we compose
With the bare sword and white lightning and cutting blades.
١٣. مِنّا كَتائِبُ مِثلُ اللَيلِ نَجنِبُها
بِالجُردِ وَالبارِقاتِ البيضِ وَاليَلَبِ
14. And every swirling mass like compact snow
That the slick of arrows cannot penetrate.
١٤. وَكُلِّ فَضفاضَةٍ كَالثَلجِ مُحكَمَةٍ
ما تَرثَعِنَّ لِدَسِّ النَبلِ بِالقُطَبِ