
Yet I put my worries to rest when

ولكني اطمأن حشاي لما

1. Yet I put my worries to rest when
You pledged us neighborly conduct with your word

١. وَلَكِنّي اِطمَأَنَّ حَشايَ لَمّا
عَقَدتَ لَنا بِذِمَّتِكَ الجِوارا

2. And he who ties a rope by your hands
Has willingly given his hands the choice

٢. وَمَن تَعقِد لَهُ بِيَدَيكَ حَبلاً
فَقَد أَخَذَت يَداهُ لَهُ الخِيارا

3. What you are among us, o Ibn Abdillah
Is no injustice we fear, or poverty we dread

٣. وَما تَكُ يا اِبنَ عَبدِ اللَهِ فينا
فَلا ظُلماً نَخافُ وَلا اِفتِقارا

4. My praise of you will reach in Mecca
Whomever dwelled there and travelled afar

٤. سَيَبلُغُ ما جَزَيتُكَ مِن ثَنائي
بِمَكَّةَ مَن أَقامَ بِها وَسارا

5. Praise I do not speak false that stayed my hands
From the calamities of monumental events

٥. ثَناءً لَستُ كاذِبَهُ كَفَتني
يَداكَ نَوائِبِ الحَدَثِ الكِبارا

6. And he who the surgeon ties a rope
Should not fear his word will fail him

٦. وَمَن يَعقِد لَهُ الجَرّاحُ حَبلاً
فَلا يَخشى لِذِمَّتِهِ غِرارا

7. When Qahtan sees the Khufayn tribe
As their rituals come to an end in dearth

٧. إِذا قَحطانُ بِالخَيفَينِ لاقَت
إِذا اِحتَضَرَت مَناسِكَها نِزارا

8. They saw in you a superiority that surpassed them
In pedigree and great numbers

٨. رَأوا لَكَ غُرَّةً فَضَلَت عَلَيهِم
مِنَ الأَحسابِ وَالعَدَدِ الكُثارا

9. When women panic, you pay no concern
To a market they exited without veils

٩. إِذا فَزِعَ النِساءُ فَلا تُبالي
لَها سوقاً خَرَجنَ وَلا خِمارا

10. Lowering all trains when seeing you
Baring anklets and bracelets

١٠. خَفَضنَ إِذا رَأَينَكَ كُلَّ ذَيلٍ
وَوارَينَ الخَلاخِلَ وَالسِوارا