1. From all your loved ones and overflowing generosity,
Snow white covering the fingernails,
١. مِن كُلِّ ذاتِ حَبائِكٍ وَمُفاضَةٍ
بَيضاءَ سابِغَةٍ عَلى الأَظفارِ
2. Indeed the palaces of the G̶e̶y̶l̶a̶n̶ tribe, which
Exhausted their fortresses among the free men,
٢. إِنَّ القُصورَ بِجيلِ جَيلانَ الَّتي
أَعيَت مَعاقِلُها بَني الأَحرارِ
3. Were opened by the swords of the Banu Hilal, indeed
To God has returned their raid on the infidels,
٣. فُتِحَت بِسَيفِ بَني المُهَلَّبِ إِنَّها
لِلَّهِ عادَتُهُم عَلى الكُفّارِ
4. They prevailed because they are the horsemen in the fray
And the most on the morrow of every battle,
٤. غَلَبوا بِأَنَّهُمُ الفَوارِسُ في الوَغى
وَالأَكثَرونَ غَداةَ كُلِّ كِثارِ
5. And the most forbearing when temperaments were shaken
Among the people their temperaments were not small,
٥. وَالأَحلَمونَ إِذا الحُلومُ تَهَزهَزَت
بِالقَومِ لَيسَ حُلومُهُم بِصِغارِ
6. And the leaders when the steeds were rested
And went after fatigue, on the saddlebags,
٦. وَالقائِدونَ إِذا الجِيادُ تَرَوَّحَت
وَمَضَينَ بَعدَ وَجىً عَلى الحِزوارِ
7. Until they pasture and they wander around a turbaned one
With the crown in the throat of vigorous kings.
٧. حَتّى يَرِعنَ وَهُنَّ حَولَ مُعَمَّمٍ
بِالتاجِ في حَلَقِ المُلوكِ نِضارِ