
O sons of Darim, O Ibn Al-Maragha my family

بنو دارم يا ابن المراغة أسرتي

1. O sons of Darim, O Ibn Al-Maragha my family
When counted one day their honor and assemblage

١. بَنو دارِمٍ يا اِبنَ المَراغَةَ أُسرَتي
إِذا عُدَّ يَوماً عِزُّها وَنَفيرُها

2. The generous deeds that Kulaib's could not attain
When the short comes under the tall's shade

٢. مَكارِمُ ما كانَت كُلَيبٌ تَنالُها
إِذا ما جَنا تَحتَ الطَويلِ قَصيرُها

3. And the house of Hi-faz we invaded and looted
We struck it with horses bloodying their necks

٣. وَدارِ حِفاظٍ قَد حَلَلنا وَغارَةٍ
ضَرَبنا عَلَيها الخَيلَ تَدمى نُحورُها

4. We were patient for it until its gloom uncovered
And its captives and elders returned to us

٤. صَبَرنا لَها حَتّى تَفَرَّجَ غُمُّها
وَعادَ لَنا أَسلابُها وَكَبيرُها