
The fugitive sleeps his mid-morning nap

ينام الطريد بعدها نومة الضحى

1. The fugitive sleeps his mid-morning nap
Satisfied with her, though steeped in sin,

١. يَنامُ الطَريدُ بَعدَها نَومَةَ الضُحى
وَيَرضى بِها ذو الإِحنَةِ المُتَجَرِّمِ

2. So he rose from the grave where he had sheltered
When her wailing encircled the Muslim throng.

٢. فَقامَ عَنِ القَبرِ الَّذي كانَ عائِذاً
بِهِ إِذ أَطافَت عيطُها حَولَ مُسلَمِ

3. Had Zubyan been her neighbor,
And the clan of Abul Asi, they'd not be divided.

٣. وَلَو كانَ زَبّانُ العُلَيمِيُّ جارَها
وَآلُ أَبي العاصي غَدَت لَم تُقَسَّمِ

4. Yet why should the son of Bahir fear her,
When his two swords cover his head though bare of turban?

٤. وَفيمَ اِبنُ بَحرٍ مِن قِلاصِ أَشَذَّها
بِسَيفَينِ أَغشى رَأسَهُ لَم يُعَمَّمِ

5. Never have I seen two quicker to answer a call,
Or, for a shepherd, better guards than Ubayd and Aslam.

٥. وَلَم أَرَ مَدعُوَّينِ أَسرَعَ جابَةً
وَأَكفى لِراعٍ مِن عُبَيدٍ وَأَسلَمِ

6. Urge them on, O sons of Jubayr, for she
Has turned her neck from you, the hue of darkest night.

٦. أَهيبا بِها يا اِبنَي جُبَيرٍ فَإِنَّها
جَلَت عَنكُما أَعناقُها لَونَ عِظلِمِ

7. I handed over to them a staff of a hundred
Like a crowded caravan laden with goods.

٧. دَفَعتُ إِلى أَيديهِما فَتَقَبَّلا
عَصا مِئَةٍ مِثلَ الفَسيلِ المُكَمَّمِ

8. They sped off with a rumble as if her groaning
Was a torrent of blood poured from battered vessels.

٨. فَراحا بِجُرجورٍ كَأَنَّ إِفالَها
فَسيلٌ دَماً قِنوانُهُ مِن مُحَلِّمِ

9. Come tell me, O people - for he who asks after knowledge will gain it -
The question of a man whose mind learning has not neglected,

٩. أَلا يا اِخبِروني أَيُّها الناسُ إِنَّما
سَأَلتُ وَمَن يَسأَل عَنِ العِلمِ يَعلَمِ

10. For the scholar, wakeful, is not like the ignorant,
Have you known a corpse, before Ghalib, who hosted a hundred guests and spoke no word?

١٠. سُؤالَ اِمرِئٍ لَم يُغفِلِ العِلمَ صَدرُهُ
وَما العالِمُ الواعي الأَحاديثَ كَالعَمي

11. My father, keeper of the grave, he who takes shelter there,
Saves him from the debt his shedding of blood imposes.

١١. أَلا هَل عَلِمتُم مَيِّتاً قَبلَ غالِبٍ
قَرى مِئَةً ضَيفاً وَلَم يَتَكَلَّمِ

12. And the seeker of Ghalib's tomb knew
The sword he bore declared no truce.

١٢. أَبي صاحِبُ القَبرِ الَّذي مَن يَعُذ بِهِ
يُجِرهُ مِنَ الغُرمِ الَّذي جَرَّ وَالدَمِ

13. When dogs snarled over the people, which most deserved
The crown of glory, sublimely honored?

١٣. وَقَد عَلِمَ الساعي إِلى قَبرِ غالِبٍ
مِنَ السَيفِ يَسعى أَنَّهُ غَيرُ مُسلَمِ

14. Over a pack, the remains of Nizari's line,
And a rabble whose huts were never ruined.

١٤. وَإِذ نَحَّبَت كَلبٌ عَلى الناسِ أَيُّهُم
أَحَقُّ بِتاجِ الماجِدِ المُتَكَرِّمِ

15. To which of them did he grant it, not knowing who they were,
Who allowed him the rule of a thousand fully veiled?

١٥. عَلى نَفَرٍ هُم مِن نِزارٍ ذُؤابَةٌ
وَأَهلُ الجَراثيمِ الَّتي لَم تُهَدَّمِ

١٦. عَلى أَيِّهِم أَعطى وَلَم يَدرِ مَن هُمُ
أَحَلَّ لَهُم تَعقيلَ أَلفٍ مُصَتَّمِ