
The son of Mas'ud foolishly wished to meet me,

تمنى ابن مسعود لقائي سفاهة

1. The son of Mas'ud foolishly wished to meet me,
One day long ago he said, rejecting:

١. تَمَنّى اِبنُ مَسعودٍ لِقائي سَفاهَةً
لَقَد قالَ حيناً يَومَ ذاكَ وَمُنكَرا

2. When will you meet a group of ours, O son of Khalid,
An unruly army or marching with ease?

٢. مَتى تَلقَ مِنّا عُصبَةً يا اِبنَ خالِدٍ
رَبيئَةَ جَيشٍ أَو يَقودونَ مِنسَرا

3. You would be idle chatter if our spears reached you,
Left in the gloom of dust spilled forth.

٣. تَكُن هَدَراً إِن أَدرَكَتكَ رِماحُنا
وَتُترَكَ في غَمِّ الغُبارِ مُقَطَّرا

4. We hoped you'd meet a group -
A flock of death predetermined for you.

٤. مَنَت لَكَ مِنّا أَن تُلاقِيَ عُصبَةً
حِمامُ مَنايا قُدنَ حَيناً مُقَدَّرا

5. On camels crooked-backed as if their chests
Were canals whose waters overflowed.

٥. عَلى أَعوَجِيّاتٍ كَأَنَّ صُدورَها
قَنا سَيسَجانٍ ماؤُهُ قَد تَحَسَّرا

6. Around them young she-camels in calf bleating,
You'd think, with held halters, pressed together.

٦. ذَوابِلَ تُبرى حَولَها لِفُحولِها
تَراهُنَّ مِن قودِ المَقانِبِ ضُمَّرا

7. When they heard the clank of swords they dragged
The fingertips of the warriors, pulling them along.

٧. إِذا سَمِعَت قَرعَ المَساحِلِ نازَعَت
أَيامِنُهُم شَزراً مِنَ القِدِّ أَيسَرا

8. Their leader kept the camels from their males
With their reins, fearing they'd be severed.

٨. يَذودُ شِدادُ القَومِ بَينَ فُحولِها
بِأَشطانِها مِن رَهبَةٍ أَن تُكَسَّرا

9. And each bare-chested knight unsheathed his sword,
Its poison turning the blade an ashen hue.

٩. وَكُلُّ فَتىً عاري الأَشاجِعِ لاحَهُ
سَمومُ الثُرَيّا لَونُهُ قَد تَغَيَّرا

10. On every long-necked stud of noble breed
He led a dusty roan mare in estrus.

١٠. عَلى كُلِّ مِذعانِ السَرى رادِنِيَّةٍ
يَقودُ وَأىً غَمرَ الجِراءِ مُصَدَّرا

11. The females' loins were hard with sinew,
Glistening when the flies alighted.

١١. شَديدَ ذُنوبِ المَتنِ مُنغَمِسَ النَسا
إِذا ما تَلَقَّتهُ الجَراثيمُ أَحضَرا

12. And how many chiefs have our spears abandoned
Gushing blood from their pierced sides, crimson!

١٢. وَكَم مِن رَئيسٍ غادَرَتهُ رِماحُنا
يَمُجُّ نَجيعاً مِن دَمِ الجَوفِ أَحمَرا

13. By dawn we were the living on the day of Quraqir,
Like the pillars of Yamamah, chopped down.

١٣. وَنَحنُ صَبَحنا الحَيَّ يَومَ قُراقِرٍ
خَميساً كَأَركانِ اليَمامَةِ مِدسَرا

14. And we were victorious on the day of Dhariya's sorrow,
We were the ones who prevented at the two springs of Minqar.

١٤. وَنَحنُ أَجَرنا يَومَ حَزنِ ضَرِيَّةٍ
وَنَحنُ مَنَعنا يَومَ عَينَينِ مِنقَرا