
She traveled part of the night, then halted

سرت ما سرت من ليلها ثم واقفت

1. She traveled part of the night, then halted
At a place other than one for resting.

١. سَرَت ما سَرَت مِن لَيلِها ثُمَّ واقَفَت
أَبا قَطَنٍ غَيرَ الَّذي لِلمُخارِقِ

2. She and her camel passed the night there,
With him striking the ground near her.

٢. فَباتَت وَباتَ الطَلُّ يَضرِبُ رَحلَها
مُوافِقَةً يا لَيتَها لَم تُوافِقِ

3. Would that she had not met with coincidence,
For names and titles may concur in people, but natures never.

٣. فَقَد تَلتَقي الأَسماءُ في الناسِ وَالكُنى
كَثيراً وَلَكِن لا تَلاقى الخَلايِقِ