
Abdullah's wrongs shall my people well prevent,

ستمنع عبد الله ظلمي ونهشل

1. Abdullah's wrongs shall my people well prevent,
And pressed be his jaws by our hands diligent.

١. سَتَمنَعُ عَبدَ اللَهِ ظُلمي وَنَهشَلٌ
وَضَبَّةُ بِالبيضِ الحَديثِ صِقالُها

2. With white shining blades new whetted for our foes,
Whose dinted steel with blood shall reek and ooze,

٢. وَمَلمومَةٍ فيها الحَديدُ كَثيفَةٍ
إِذا ما اِرجَحَنَّت بِالمَنايا ظِلالُها

3. When poised in air their quivering weight shall fall
On foeman's brain to crush his guilty skull.

٣. هُنالِكَ لَو رامَ اِبنُ دَحمَةَ ظُلمَنا
رَأى لامِعاتِ المَوتِ يَبرُقُ خالُها

4. Had Ibn Dahma sought to work us wrong,
Flashing death he had seen around him throng.

٤. رَأَيتُ تَميماً وَالسُيوفُ عِصِيُّهُم
إِذا زَحَفَت نَحوَ المَنايا رِجالُها

5. Tameem have I seen when the battle lower'd,
And 'neath the swords their mighty warriors cow'r'd.

٥. فَلا تَحسَبَنّا لِلعَدُوِّ وَمَن بَغى
ظُلامَتَنا شَحماً يَذوبُ إِهالُها