1. Abu Khalid called me to Jurjan though the path to it was fraught with danger,
I said: I will certainly visit the family of Muhalhil as an avenger,
١. دَعاني إِلى جُرجانَ وَالرَيُّ دونَهُ
أَبو خالِدٍ إِنّي إِذاً لَزَؤورُ
2. Though the tribes of Tamim be averse and refuse me passage,
And their prince be powerless to enforce his will on me,
٢. لَآتِيَ مِن آلِ المُهَلَّبِ ثائِراً
بِأَعراضِها وَالدائِراتُ تَدورُ
3. As though I and my camel litter were being tossed by the devils,
On a tract of land between two sand dunes.
٣. سَآبى وَتَأبى لي تَميمٌ وَرُبَّما
أَبَيتُ فَلَم يَقدِر عَلَيَّ أَميرُ
٤. كَأَنّي وَرَحلي وَالمَنافِيُّ تَرتَمي
بِنا بِجُنوبِ الشَيَّطَينِ حَميرُ