
The pillar of the house builds affectionately

طويل عماد البيت تبني مجاشع

1. The pillar of the house builds affectionately
Towards his house though far apart her tracks may be

١. طَويلُ عِمادِ البَيتِ تَبني مُجاشِعٌ
إِلى بَيتِهِ أَطنابَها ما تَنَزَّعُ

2. My needs will be met by another though I strive not
Among the needy, a rider racing eagerly

٢. سَيَبلُغُ عَنّي حاجَتي غَيرُ عامِلٍ
بِها مِن ذَوي الحاجاتِ فَيجٌ مُسَرِّعُ

3. He passes by two pools though no monks ground his flour
A gurgling full, then one dried up completely

٣. عَصائِبُ لَم يَطحَن كُدَيرٌ مَتاعَها
يَمُرُّ بِها بَينَ الغَديرَينِ مَهيَعُ

4. Though but garbage lies between us, yet to him I’ll go
A humpbacked house wherein the crevices yawn widely

٤. إِلَيهِ وَإِن كانَت زَبالَةُ بَينَنا
وَذو حَدَبٍ فيهِ القَراقيرُ تَمزَعُ

5. Truly, if the monk reproaches me tomorrow
I have blamed him with blame that shall remain and feed me

٥. يَميناً لَئِن أَمسى كُدَيرٌ يَلومُني
لَقَد لُمتُهُ لَوماً سَيَبقى وَيَنصَعُ

6. O two friends of the monk, if ye should meet him
I have molded - who indeed is like thee to mold me?

٦. خَليلَي كُدَيرٍ أَبلِغا إِن لَقيتُهُ
طَبِعتُ وَأَنّى لَيسَ مِثلُكَ يَطبَعُ

7. For the hundred thou lent a kinsman, at every door
Thine eyes rain tears that flow plentifully

٧. أَفي مِئَةٍ أَقرَضتَها ذا قَرابَةٍ
عَلى كُلِّ بابٍ ماءُ عَينَيكَ يَدمَعُ

8. Thy streaming tears blame me, yet thou art a man
Bald of noble stock, ignoble in degree

٨. تَسيلُ مَآقيكَ الصَديدَ تَلومُني
وَأَنتَ اِمرُؤٌ قَحمُ العَذارَينِ أَصلَعُ

9. Besides thee, though we are comrades, hast thou not been
Radiant since first thou camest forth from thy abode?

٩. فَدونَكَها إِنّي إِخالُكَ لَم تَزَل
لَدُن خَرَجَت مِن بابِ بَيتِكَ تَلمَعُ

10. Thou callest and prayest unto God as though some child
Of a base mother had not ceased his crying loudly

١٠. تُنادي وَتَدعو اللَهَ فيها كَأَنَّما
رُزِئتَ اِبنَ أُمٍّ لَم يَكُن يَتَضَعضَعُ

11. When comes my messenger, he sleeps not at the warning
Nay, but he fears the night-comers, startled fitfully

١١. مَتى تَأتِهِ مِنّي النَذيرَةُ لا يَنَم
وَلَكِن يَخافُ الطارِقاتُ وَيَفزَعُ

12. What man, when warned, has seen my vanguard and not had
Sleep frightened from his eyes however heavily?

١٢. وَأَيُّ اِمرِئٍ بَعدَ النَذيرَةِ قَد رَأى
طَلايِعَها مِنّي لَهُ العَينُ تَهجَعُ

13. Save the witless, none shares with him in his weakness
Whilst yet a babe, his mother and he successively

١٣. مِنَ الناسِ إِلّا فاسِدَ العَقلِ شارَكَت
بِهِ العَجزَ حَولاً أُمُّهُ وَهوَ مُرضَعُ

14. So fling him not into the viper's fang straightway
Each Eve's rod in it is steeped most plenteously

١٤. فَلا يَقذِفَنكَ الحينُ في نابِ حَيَّةٍ
عَصا كُلَّ حَوّاءٍ بِهِ السُمُّ مُنقَعُ

15. The tribe's leaders shun and come not nigh unto him
Scared witlings who the dark night sets trembling fitfully

١٥. يَفِرُّ رُقاةُ القَومِ لا يَقرَبونَهُ
خَشاشُ حِبالٍ فاتِكُ اللَيلِ أَقرَعُ

16. Deaf he is: if treated for it, only dies therefrom
Or recovers: dead in sooth is his mind utterly

١٦. مِنَ الصُمِّ إِن تَعلُكَّ مِنهُ شَكيمَةٌ
تَمُت أَو تُفِق قَد ماتَ عَقلُكَ أَجمَعُ