1. With her eyes she looks to the mountain
White with layers of snow, domes of tents
١. تَظَلُّ بِعَينَيها إِلى الجَبَلِ الَّذي
عَلَيهِ مُلاءُ الثَلجِ بيضِ البَنائِقِ
2. She looks to the valley where she grazes sadly
The smooth neck of my she-camel with bead necklaces
٢. تَظَلُّ إِلى الغاسولِ تَرعى حَزينَةً
ثَنايا بُراقٍ ناقَتي بِالحَمالِقِ
3. Oh, would that I knew! Shall I visit women
With slender waists, breakers of lances
٣. أَلا لَيتَ شِعري هَل أَزورَنَّ نِسوَةً
بِرَعنِ سَنامٍ كاسِراتِ النَمارِقِ
4. In a valley where they smell sweet basil, for them
Fortified dwellings, houses with strong pillars
٤. بِوادٍ يُشَمِّمنَ الخُزامى تُرى لَها
مَعاصِمُ فيها السورُ دُرمُ المَرافِقِ
5. Enough life that its waywardness was not feared
When one of the maidens strayed from the people
٥. كَفى عُمَرٌ ما كانَ يُخشى اِنحِرافُهُ
إِذا أَجحَفَت بِالناسِ إِحدى البَوائِقِ
6. And not a stone is thrown at the people of any place
For their sedition, like that in the east
٦. وَما حَجَرٌ يُرمى بِهِ أَهلُ جانِبٍ
لِفِتنَتِهِم مِثلَ الَّذي بِالمَشارِقِ
7. Gentle to the people of religion from the gentleness of his heart
To them, yet his heart is harsh to the hypocrites
٧. يَلينُ لِأَهلِ الدينِ مِن لينِ قَلبِهِ
لَهُم وَغَليظٌ قَلبُهُ لِلمُنافِقِ
8. And he was not raised up except before a group
Like him in resolve, pillars of the canopies
٨. وَما رُفِعَت إِلّا أَمامَ جَماعَةٍ
عَلى مِثلِهِ حَزماً عِمادُ السُرادِقِ
9. You gathered much good that you did not gather
Through treachery, nor the maiden of trailing gowns
٩. جَمَعتَ كَثيراً طَيِّباً ما جَمَعتَهُ
بِغَدرٍ وَلا العَذراءُ ذاتُ السَوارِقِ
10. Nor wealth of a master for the loyal one who picked
Some of the trailing gowns for himself
١٠. وَلا مالِ مَولىً لِلوَلِيِّ الَّذي جَنى
عَلى نَفسِهِ بَعضَ الحُتوفِ اللَواحِقِ
11. But with your two bountiful hands
And your soul, you were resolute with pacts
١١. وَلَكِن بِكَفَّيكَ الكَثيرِ نَداهُما
وَنَفسِكَ قَد أَحكَمتَ عِندَ الوَثائِقِ
12. Among the best of God’s servants after Muhammad
For him would all creatures pray
١٢. بِخَيرِ عِبادِ اللَهِ بَعدَ مُحَمَّدٍ
لَهُ كانَ يَدعو اللَهَ كُلُّ الخَلايِقِ
13. That God make him the successor, and the one
For him is the highest pulpit over all speakers
١٣. لِيَجعَلَهُ اللَهُ الخَليفَةَ وَالَّذي
لَهُ المِنبَرُ الأَعلى عَلى كُلِّ ناطِقِ
14. And with the sword of God protect him and deflect
The companies that were behind the trenches
١٤. وَفُضَّ بِسَيفِ اللَهِ عَنهُ وَدَفعِهِ
كَتايِبُ كانَت مِن وَراءِ الخَنادِقِ