
You are not an idle Mazen, hidden or covered,

لست بلاق مازنيا مقنعا

1. You are not an idle Mazen, hidden or covered,
Fearing death or fearing the attainment of goals.

١. لَستَ بِلاقٍ مازِنِيّاً مُقَنَّعاً
مَخافَةَ مَوتٍ أَو مَخافَةَ نائِلِ

2. The youth of Mazen hasten to good deeds,
And act with courage when faced with calamities.

٢. تُسارِعُ في المَعروفِ فِتيانُ مازِنٍ
وَتَفعَلُ في البَأساءِ فِعلَ المُخايِلِ

3. They protect those under their care while death roams the streets,
Waging war, their spears passing through their enemies.

٣. وَتَحمي حِماها وَالمَنايا شَوارِعٌ
عَلى الحَربِ تَمري دَرَّها بِالمَناصِلِ

4. They bandage wounds when they gape,
And their pledge suffices to ward off the sons of Wael.

٤. وَتَرأَبُ أَثآءَ القُروحِ إِذا وَهَت
وَتَكفي تَميماً دَرءَ بَكرِ اِبنِ وائِلِ

5. Excellent is the land that sheltered their steeds
As they raced towards it during trying times.

٥. فَنِعمَ مُناخَ الكَلَّ أَرعى رِكابَهُ
طُروقاً إِلَيهِم في السِنينَ المَواحِلِ

6. It is an excellent refuge for the fearful, their shelter,
And haven for those with great, accumulating sins.

٦. وَنِعمَ مَلاذُ الخائِفينَ وَحِرزُهُم
وَمَوئلُ ذي الجُرمِ العَظيمِ المُوائِلِ

7. Comrades who frequented the tumult of battle,
When all the cowardly heroes deserted it.

٧. مَعاشِرُ رَكّابونَ قُردودَةَ الوَغى
إِذا خامَ عَنها كُلُّ أَروَعَ باسِلِ

8. Warriors in the thick of the hated melee, unseen,
Showing no weakness during grave calamities.

٨. مَقاحيمُ في غَمرِ الكَريهَةِ لا تُرى
لَهُم نَبوَةٌ عِندَ الخُطوبِ الجَلائِلِ

9. Polishing swords with their cheeks when they leaned down
From the stabs that caused every dark-skinned warrior to wither.

٩. بَلوفُ السُيوفَ بِالخُدودِ إِذا اِنحَنى
مِنَ الطَعنِ فيهِم كُلُّ أَسمَرَ ذابِلِ

10. When the Mazen girded themselves for battle,
They shielded their people and warded off devastating deaths.

١٠. إِذا مازِنٌ شَدَّت إِلى الحَربِ أَزرَها
كَفَت قَومَها وِردَ المَنايا النَواهِلِ

11. With them, the experienced warrior reaches his goal, his missed opportunity,
And the head of the arrogant, over-reaching one is severed.

١١. بِهِم يُدرَكُ الذَحلُ المُجَرَّبُ فَوتُهُ
وَيُقطَعُ رَأسُ الأَبلَحِ المُتَطاوِلِ