
I stood at the summit of the rugged mountain pass

وقفت بأعلى ذي قساء مطيتي

1. I stood at the summit of the rugged mountain pass
Gazing upon Marwan and the son of Ziyad

١. وَقَفتُ بِأَعلى ذي قَساءٍ مَطِيَّتي
أُمايِلُ في مَروانَ وَاِبنِ زِيادِ

2. And said: "Obaidullah is the best of fathers
And the most generous to every noble steed"

٢. فَقُلتُ عُبَيدُ اللَهِ خَيرُهُما أَباً
وَأَدناهُما عُرفاً لِكُلِّ جَوادِ

3. A young man in years, but old in wisdom, well-known to
The tribes from here to distant Eiad

٣. فَتى السِنِّ كَهلُ الحِلمِ قَد عَرِفَت لَهُ
قَبائِلُ ما بَينَ الدُنا وَإِيادِ