
The pots of our fate had its head cut off

وكانت أثافي قدرنا رأس بعلها

1. The pots of our fate had its head cut off
And its master blinded, fallen into the hands of destiny

١. وَكانَت أَثافي قِدرِنا رَأسَ بَعلِها
وَعَمَّيهِ في أَيدٍ سَقَطنَ وَأَسوُقِ

2. Don't you see we are guided through the pilgrimage sites
We and ours are the glory of the honored truth-teller

٢. أَلَم تَرَ أَنّا بِالمَشاعِرِ يُهتَدى
بِنا وَلَنا مَجدُ الفَخورِ المُصَدَّقِ

3. My father is Mudar, from him came the messenger who guided
Allah by him who prayed facing west and east

٣. أَبي مُضَرٌ مِنهُ الرَسولُ الَّذي هَدى
بِهِ اللَهُ مَن صَلّى بِغَربٍ وَمَشرِقِ

4. When Khindif brandished at Al-Abtah
Behind me, and Qais rallied facing the east

٤. إِذا خِندِفٌ بِالأَبطَحَينِ تَغَطرَفَت
وَرائي وَقَيسٌ ذَيَّلَت بِالمُشَرِّقِ

5. None faced us except to see us ahead
And their masters above when we come together

٥. فَما أَحَدٌ إِلّا يَرانا أَمامَهُ
وَأَربابَهُ مَن فَوقِهِ حينَ نَلتَقي

6. He who faces our two seas when they clash
With Khindif or Qais ibn Ailan's son will drown

٦. وَمَن يَلقَ بَحرَينا إِذا ما تَناطَحا
بِخِندِفَ أَو قَيسِ اِبنِ عَيلانَ يَغرَقِ

7. They are Allah's two mountains which He anchored
With the stars in the highest rising heaven

٧. هُما جَبَلا اللَهِ اللَذانِ ذُراهُما
مَعَ النَجمِ في أَعلى السَماءِ المُحَلِّقِ

8. By Allah's will we opened every city
From India or a gate of Rome though locked

٨. فَتَحنا بِإِذنِ اللَهُ كُلَّ مَدينَةٍ
مِنَ الهِندِ أَو بابٍ مِنَ الرومِ مُغلَقِ