1. By your life, among the Azd there is no ruler,
Nor justice - the authority has declined.
١. لَعَمرُكَ ما في الأَزدَ بِالمُلكِ قائِمٌ
وَلا عَدلِ ما أَضحى مِنَ الأَمرِ مايِلِ
2. Nor has the sultan gathered it by force for a cause,
So Bakr, son of Wail, is content with this oath.
٢. وَلا ضَمَّها السُلطانُ قَسراً لِدَعوَةٍ
فَتَرضى بِهَذا الحِلفِ بَكرُ اِبنُ وايِلِ