
O sister of the mourner, son of Samah

يا أخت ناجبة ابن سامة إنني

1. O sister of the mourner, son of Samah
I fear for you, if my sons seek revenge for my blood

١. يا أُختَ ناجِبَةَ اِبنِ سامَةَ إِنَّني
أَخشى عَلَيكِ بَنِيَّ إِن طَلَبوا دَمي

2. They will not accept blood money, and will not rest
Until they see loyalty from me, though they'll never see it from my sons

٢. لَن يَقبَلوا دِيَةً وَلَيسوا أَو يَرَوا
مِنّي الوَفاءَ وَلَن يَرَوهُ بِنُوَّمِ

3. So death is more comforting than a life like this
If you've gotten nothing good from me

٣. فَالمَوتُ أَروَحُ مِن حَياةٍ هاكَذا
إِن أَنتِ مِنكِ بِنائِلٍ لَم تُنعِمي

4. Are you going back healthy and sound
To my paralyzed sons and their divided father?

٤. هَل أَنتِ راجِعَةٌ وَأَنتِ صَحيحَةٌ
لِبَنِيَّ شِلوَ أَبيهِمِ المُتَقَسَّمِ

5. I've been stingy toward women, yet I see
No one stings me like you, mother of Haytham

٥. وَلَقَد ضَنيتُ مِنَ النِساءِ وَلا أَرى
كَضَناً بِنَفسي مِنكِ أُمَّ الهَيثَمِ

6. How can I be safe after you orphaned me
And left my heart like the heart of the one-eyed man?

٦. كَيفَ السَلامَةُ بَعدَما تَيَّمتِني
وَتَرَكتِ قَلبي مِثلَ قَلبِ الأَيهَمِ

7. You tore up my soul - would you not come gently?
And left me sheltered in Great Iraq

٧. قَطَّعتِ نَفسي ما تَجيءُ سَريحَةً
وَتَرَكتِني دَنِفاً عُراقَ الأَعظُمِ

8. Truly, you shot at me the shots of a killer
With your eyelashes and eyebrows as arrows

٨. وَلَقَد رَمَيتِ إِلَيَّ رَميَةَ قاتِلٍ
مِن مُقلَتَيكِ وَعارِضَيكِ بِأَسهُمِ

9. So you struck the innermost love of a lover from my liver
And killed me with the weapons of an unspoken word

٩. فَأَصَبتِ مِن كَبِدي حُشاشَةَ عاشِقٍ
وَقَتَلتِني بِسِلاحِ مَن لَم يُكلَمِ

10. So if you swear there that you are innocent of my blood
Absolve yourself, do not sin

١٠. فَإِذا حَلَفتِ هُناكَ أَنَّكِ مِن دَمي
لَبَريئَةٌ فَتَحَلَّلي لا تَأثَمي

11. And if I swear by your hand, I swear
By a truer oath than your oath, solemnly sworn

١١. وَلَئِن حَلَفتُ عَلى يَدَيكِ لَأَحلِفَن
بِيَمينِ أَصدَقِ مِن يَمينِكِ مُقسِمِ

12. By Allah, Lord of those who raise up pilgrims
Between al-Hatim and the basins of Zamzam

١٢. بِاللَهِ رَبِّ الرافِعينَ أَكُفَّهُم
بَينَ الحَطيمِ وَبَينَ حَوضَي زَمزَمِ

13. You killed me through the crevice of the litter
As we were atop the towering camel

١٣. فَلَأَنتِ مِن خَلَلِ الحِجالِ قَتَلتِني
إِذ نَحنُ بِالحَدَقِ الذَوارِفِ نَرتَمي

14. As you approached, with deceitful eyes
And the cheeks of Umm Aghanna, no twin

١٤. إِذ أَنتِ مُقبِلَةٌ بِعَينَي جُؤذَرٍ
وَبِجيدِ أُمِّ أَغَنَّ لَيسَ بِتَوأَمِ