
By your life! No coward with two slippers is a lion

لعمرك ما ليث بخفان خادر

1. By your life! No coward with two slippers is a lion
Braver than the son of Utba leading the charge

١. لعَمرُكَ ما لَيثٌ بِخَفّانَ خادِرٌ
بِأَشجَعَ مِن بِشرِ اِبنِ عُتبَةَ مُقدِما

2. He refused gray hairs until he saw
The sons of Fatik flee from the straightened spear

٢. أَباءَ بِشَيبانَ الثُؤورَ وَقَد رَأى
بَني فاتِكٍ هابوا الوَشيجَ المُقَوَّما