
I did not think myself a coward before when

ما كنت أحسبني جبانا قبل ما

1. I did not think myself a coward before when
I met at the riverside a lion in the night,

١. ما كُنتُ أَحسِبُني جَباناً قَبلَ ما
لاقَيتُ لَيلَةَ جانِبِ الأَنهارِ

2. Like a traveler in its clutches, fully armed
With claws that tear flesh and bones apart.

٢. لَيثاً كَأَنَّ عَلى يَدَيهِ رِحالَةً
جَسِدَ البَراثِنَ مُؤجَدَ الأَظفارِ

3. When I heard its fierce growls, my soul recoiled
And said: where can you run and hide your fright?

٣. لَمّا سَمِعتُ لَهُ زَمازِمَ أَقبَلَت
نَفسي إِلَيَّ وَقُلتُ أَينَ فِراري

4. I whipped its neck and said: have patience, wait,
And in the narrow spot I tightened my belt.

٤. فَضَرَبتُ جِروَتَها وَقُلتُ لَها اِصبِري
وَشَدَدتُ في ضيقِ المَقامِ إِزاري

5. For you are less than Ziyad, depart from me,
Destroyer of light cavalry and warrior's heart!

٥. فَلَأَنتَ أَهوَنُ مِن زِيادٍ جانِباً
فَاِذهَب إِلَيكَ مُخَرِّمَ السُفّارِ