
On the day they meet, skulls are her prey

لقد تدلق الغارات يوم لقائها

1. On the day they meet, skulls are her prey
And her raids cause devastation and dismay

١. لَقَد تُدلِقُ الغاراتِ يَومَ لِقائِها
وَقَد كانَ ضَرّابي الجَماجِمَ صيدُها

2. To those seeking refuge, she shows no grace
When the blacks of death meet the reds of her mace

٢. مَعاقِلَ أَيديها لِمَن جاءَ عائِذاً
إِذا ما اِلتَقَت حُمرُ المَنايا وَسودُها

3. When Bajila faced the warriors of Hind
Her iron made their ranks break and rescind

٣. وَكانَت إِذا لاقَت بَجيلَةُ بِالقَنا
وَبِالهِندَوانِيّات يَفري حَديدُها

4. She was made for a people whose gift would be
Bounty and plenty for brave Bajila's fee

٤. فَما خُلِقَت إِلّا لِقَومٍ عَطاؤُها
يَكونُ إِلى أَيدي بَجيلَةَ جودُها