
I'll approach a land for your land, if hers

لأدنو من أرض لأرضك إن دنت

1. I'll approach a land for your land, if hers
Comes near with her palms joined and coverings complete

١. لَأَدنُوَ مِن أَرضٍ لِأَرضِكِ إِن دَنَت
بِها بيدُها مُوصولَةٌ وَإِكامُها

2. O Fatima, no lover who's alive
Among people, if my soul its swords don't defeat

٢. أَفاطِمَ ما مِن عاشِقٍ هُوَ مَيِّتٌ
مِنَ الناسِ إِن لَم يُردِ نَفسي حُسامُها

3. And it settled, with your two flowing eyes
In a soul-unsettling way, if my soul its doves don't deplete

٣. وَلَجتِ بِعَينَيكِ الصَيودَينِ مَولِجاً
مِنَ النَفسِ إِن لَم يوقِ نَفسي حِمامُها

4. You've led me astray from my prayers, though he
Calls to much good - its leader, so discreet

٤. لَقَد دَلَّهَتني عَن صَلاتي وَإِنَّهُ
لَيَدعو إِلى الخَيرِ الكَثيرِ إِمامُها

5. Can one who's sick live, after she who's beneath
The heart has been killed by her - her standing's concrete?

٥. أَيَحيا مَريضٌ بَعدَما مُيِّتَت لَهُ
سَوادُ الَّتي تَحتَ الفُؤادِ قِيامُها

6. Can one slain by an unbloodied mute
Whose cheeks are still rosy, by her words, complete?

٦. أَيُقتَلُ مَخضوبُ البَنانِ مُبَرقَعٌ
بِمَيتٍ خُفاتاً لَم تُصِبهُ كِلامُها

7. You're but a date palm - though I see
For others its shade and fruits replete

٧. فَهَل أَنتِ إِلّا نَخلَةٌ غَيرَ أَنَّني
أَراها لِغَيري ظِلُّها وَصِرامُها

8. No distance made me, or lands, more calm
From Syria - its people almost gone, complete

٨. وَما زادَني نَأيٌ سُلُوّاً وَلا قِرىً
مِنَ الشامِ قَد كادَت يَبورُ أَنامُها

9. When from them hearts are burnt, livers done
Of the tribe - their order is then effete

٩. إِذا حُرِّقَت مِنهُم قُلوبٌ وَنُفِّذَت
مِنَ القَومِ أَكبادٌ أُصيبَ اِنتِظامُها

10. As sacrifices were slaughtered in town
Fell south their standings - their place concrete

١٠. كَما نُحِرَت يَومُ الأَضاحي بِبَلدَةٍ
مِنَ الهَديِ خَرَّت لِلجَنوبِ قِيامُها

11. I wonder, has Audayeas now changed
Of heated sands - their peaks and cairns effete?

١١. أَلا لَيتَ شِعري هَل تَغَيَّرَ بَعدَنا
أُدَيعاصُ أَنقاءِ الحِمى وَسَنامُها

12. As if no tent with pegs was raised
Over it by day with poles complete

١٢. كَأَن لَم تُرَفِّع بِالأُكَيمَةِ خَيمَةً
عَلَيها نَهاراً بِالقُنِيِّ ثُمامُها

13. Two months it stayed, till when the winds
Of saviors blew over it - their gusts replete

١٣. أَقامَت بِها شَهرَينِ حَتّى إِذا جَرى
عَلَيهِنَّ مِن سافي الرِياحِ هَيامُها

14. Hunters came, over it fully
Melted butter dripped - its flames concrete

١٤. أَتاهُنَّ طَرّادونَ كُلَّ طُوالَةٍ
عَلَيها مِنَ النَيِّ المُذابُ لِحامُها

15. Over it litters of every striped cloak
Whose badges were Caesar's - effete

١٥. عَلَيهِنَّ راحولاتُ كُلِّ قَطيفَةٍ
مِنَ الخَزِّ أَو مِن قَيصَرانِ عِلامُها

16. To you we've moved our she-camels' supplies
And needs concealed, to you - their course concrete

١٦. إِلَيكَ أَقَمنا الحامِلاتِ رِحالَنا
وَمُضمَرَ حاجاتٍ إِلَيكَ اِنصِرامُها