
Have you not seen that the steed, son of Ma'mar

ألم تريا أن الجواد ابن معمر

1. Have you not seen that the steed, son of Ma'mar
Has the ease of abundant rain overflowing its rivers

١. أَلَم تَرَيا أَنَّ الجَوادَ اِبنَ مَعمَرٍ
لَهُ راحَتا غَيثٍ يَفيضُ مُديمُها

2. When the questioning came upon them
The clashing of its hands overpowered the destitute

٢. إِذ جائَهُ السُؤآلُ فادَت عَلَيهِمُ
سِجالُ يَدَيهِ فَاِستَقَلَّ عَديمُها

3. The Bani Taym brought it up for greatness
And its protectors from Quraysh surrounded its settlements

٣. نَمَتهُ بَنو تَيمِ اِبنِ مُرَّةَ لِلعُلى
وَحاطَت حِماهُ مِن قُرَيشٍ قُرومُها

4. And the two seas do not reach what the family of Ghālib attains
Whenever its generosity is stirred for the noble ones

٤. وَما يَبلُغُ البَحرانِ مِن آلِ غالِبٍ
إِذا هُزَّ يَوماً لِلنَوالِ كَريمُها

5. And they are the leaders of Islam and the foremost guides
Who will one day rule over the rulers and their regimes

٥. وَهُم ساسَةُ الإِسلامِ وَالقادَةُ الأُلى
يَقومُ عَلى الحُكّامِ يَوماً حُكومُها