1. When she unveiled, unveiled her alluring charms,
My praise is due for her grace and gentle calm.
١. مِنَ الحامِلاتِ الحَمدَ لَمّا تَكَشَّفَت
ذَلاذِلُها وَاِستَأوَرَت لِلمُناشِدِ
2. Does Ibn Abdallah deserve your thanks, for he
Unbound the fetters of captivity?
٢. فَهَل لِاِبنِ عَبدِ اللَهِ في شاكِرٍ لَكُم
لَمَعروفِ أَن أَطلَقتُمُ القَيدَ حامِدِ
3. Each dawn and dusk brings but sorrow and pain,
No comfort or solace for me will remain.
٣. وَما مِن بَلاءٍ غَيرَ كُلِّ عَشِيَّةٍ
وَكُلِّ غَداةٍ زائِراً غَيرَ عائِدِ
4. The mender asks if I'm up, while he just sits,
Though we are both confined in our limits.
٤. يَقولُ لِيَ الحَدّادُ هَل أَنتَ قائِمٌ
وَهَل أَنا إِلّا مِثلُ آخَرَ قاعِدِ
5. My feet are bound by thirty heavy chains
Of unbreakable metal, causing me pains.
٥. كَأَنّي حَرورِيٌّ لَهُ فَوقَ كَعبِهِ
ثَلاثونَ قَيداً مِن قَروصٍ مُلاكِدِ
6. My debts are clear for all to see and know,
I owe no man anything I need to show.
٦. وَإِمّا بِدَينٍ ظاهِرٍ فَوقَ ساقِهِ
فَقَد عَلِموا أَن لَيسَ دَيني بِناقِدِ
7. When I recite my verses they object,
Like spears attacking me without respect.
٧. وَراوٍ عَلَيَّ الشِعرَ ما أَنا قُلتُهُ
كَمُعتَرِضٍ لِلرُمحِ دونَ الطَرائِدِ