
The daughter of Al-Gawthi said, why are you here,

تقول ابنة الغوثي ما لك ههنا

1. The daughter of Al-Gawthi said, why are you here,
When you are a Tamimi beside the East?

١. تَقولُ اِبنَةُ الغَوثِيُّ ما لَكَ هَهُنا
وَأَنتَ تَميمِيٌّ مَعَ الشَرقِ جانِبُه

2. You trouble me before departure, and separation has drawn near,
With no faith, nor kinship binding us.

٢. تُؤَذِّنُني قَبلَ الرَواحِ وَقَد دَنا
مِنَ البَينِ لا دانٍ وَلا مُتَقارِبُه

3. I said to her, needs make a man wander,
And a care has troubled me, driving me on.

٣. فَقُلتُ لَها الحاجاتُ يَطرَحنَ بِالفَتى
وَهَمٌّ تَعَنّاني مُعَنّىً رَكايِبُه

4. I did not visit Salma desiring she be a lover to me,
Nor seeking her faith, which I do not pursue.

٤. وَما زُرتُ سَلمى أَن تَكونَ حَبيبَةً
إِلَيَّ وَلا دينٍ لَها أَنا طالِبُه

So it happened I passed by the dwellings of a tribe,

٥. فَكائِن تَخَطَّت مِن فَساطيطِ عامِلٍ
إِلَيكَ وَمِن خَرقٍ تَعاوى ثَعالِبُه

6. To you, from a place ravaged by foxes.
The rain pours down where its clouds have died,

٦. يَظَلُّ القَطا مِن حَيثُ ماتَت رِياحُهُ
يُعارِضُني تَخشى الهَلاكَ قَوارِبُه

7. Challenging me - its boats fear destruction.
The water is as though its freshness were menstrual blood

٧. وَماءٍ كَأَنَّ الغِسلَ خيضَ صَبيبُهُ
عَلى لَونِهِ وَالطَعمِ يَعبِسُ شارِبُه

8. In its color, and its taste makes the drinker frown.
I returned at nightfall, while the trees were confused,

٨. وَرَدتُ وَجَوزُ اللَيلِ حَيرانُ ساكِنٌ
عَلَيهِ وَقَد كادَت تَميلُ كَواكِبُه

9. Bewildered by it, as their stars began to tilt.
I cut the shoulders of the water-skin for them to drink,

٩. قَطَعتُ لِأَلحيهِنَّ أَعضادَ حَوضِهِ
وَنَشَّ نَدى الدَلوِ المُحيلِ جَوانِبُه

10. And the sagging waterskin regained its shape.
Their hands bent its lead rope, as if its shed waters

١٠. ثَنَت رُكَبَ الأَيدي كَأَنَّ رَشيفَها
تَرَشُّفُ مَمطورٍ وَقيعاً يُناهِبُه