
You will know, O Amr son of Afra, who is to blame

ستعلم يا عمرو بن عفرا من الذي

1. You will know, O Amr son of Afra, who is to blame
When the consequences of the matter become apparent

١. سَتَعلَمُ يا عَمروَ بنُ عَفرا مَنِ الَّذي
يُلامُ إِذا ما الأَمرُ غَبَّت عَواقِبُه

2. I warned the son of Afra not to dishonor his mother
Like the dishonoring of roast meat when torn apart by its eaters

٢. نَهَيتُ اِبنَ عَفرا أَن يُعَفِّرَ أُمَّهُ
كَعَفرِ السَلا إِذ عَفَّرَتهُ ثَعالِبُه

3. Had you been a young hyena, I would have overlooked it
Had your snakes and scorpions crept up my legs

٣. فَلَو كُنتَ ضَبِّيّاً صَفَحتُ وَلَو سَرَت
عَلى قَدَمي حَيّاتُهُ وَعَقارِبُه

4. Had they cut off my right hand, I would have forgiven them
By Him who records hidden secrets through His scribes

٤. وَلَو قَطَعوا يُمنى يَدَيَّ غَفَرتُها
لَهُم وَالَّذي يُحصي السَرائِرَ كاتِبُه

5. But Diyafi, his father and mother
Are in Hawran, pressing slippery grape juice, his relatives

٥. وَلَكِن دِيافِيٌّ أَبوهُ وَأُمُّهُ
بِحَورانَ يَعصِرنَ السَليطَ أَقارِبُه

6. And when he saw the oil, its mountains cast him away
And Diyafi said, along with Damascus, are his tribes

٦. وَلَمّا رَأى الدَهنا رَمَتهُ جِبالُها
وَقالَت دِيافِيٌّ مَعَ الشَأمِ جانِبُه

7. If the oil becomes angry with you, it is not constrained
To the road of maidens led on by their riders

٧. فَإِن تَغضَبِ الدَهنا عَلَيكَ فَما بِها
طَريقٌ لِرِبّاتٍ تُقادُ رَكايِبُه

8. It makes the wealth of the wastrel flourish as though
It were pouring upon the wealth you earned

٨. تُثَمِّرُ مالُ الباهِلِيَّ كَأَنَّما
تَهِرُّ عَلى المالِ الَّذي أَنتَ كاسِبُه

9. For I never coveted the woman of a man who slanders me
Nor did his relatives prohibit me from her

٩. فَإِنَّ اِمرِأً يَغتابُني لَم أَطَأ لَهُ
حَريماً وَلَم تَنهاهُ عَنّي أَقارِبُه

10. Like a gatherer of firewood on a dark night that brought him
To a desolate hill with the firewood he had gathered

١٠. كَمُحتَطِبٍ يَوماً أَساوِدَ هَضبَةٍ
أَتاهُ بِها في ظُلمَةِ اللَيلِ حاطِبُه

11. When my canines met, my sword flashed white
And I thrust with the thrusts of one who destroys his opponents

١١. أَحينَ اِلتَقى نابايَ وَاِبيَضَّ مِسحَلي
وَأَطرَقَ إِطراقَ الكَرى مَن أُحارِبُه