
We have a number that grows to exceed

لنا عدد يربي على عدد الحصى

1. We have a number that grows to exceed
The number of pebbles, and multiplies manifold its excuses

١. لَنا عَدَدٌ يُربي عَلى عَدَدُ الحَصى
وَيُضعِفُ أَضعافاً كَثيراً عَذيرُها

2. And none of our burdens have been borne
By a tribe, so they bear what is placed upon their backs

٢. وَما حُمِّلَت أَضغانُنا مِن قَبيلَةٍ
فَتَحمِلَ ما يُلقى عَلَيها ظُهورُها

3. When the living come together and then boast
Before Al-Hanthalyy pride is diminished

٣. إِذا ما اِلتَقى الأَحياءُ ثُمَّ تَفاخَروا
تَقاصَرَ عِندَ الحَنظَلِيَّ فُخورُها

4. And if the counts of genealogies were made one day you’d find
That it leads to my tribe of Tamim their endpoint

٤. وَإِن عُدَّتِ الأَحسابُ يَوماً وَجَدتَها
يَصيرُ إِلى حَيَّي تَميمٍ مَصيرُها

5. And if the living disperse one day of great matters
In my tribe of Tamim their aversion is belittled

٥. وَإِن نَفَرَ الأَحياءُ يَومَ عَظيمَةٍ
تَحاقَرَ في حَيَّي تَميمٍ نُفورُها

6. I was raised by lineages from Tamim and their nobility
To it the glory of Udd and its goodness comes to an end

٦. نَمَتني قُرومٌ مِن تَميمٍ وَخِلتُها
إِلَيها تَناهى مَجدُ أُدٍّ وَخَيرُها

7. Tamim they are my people so do not equate them
To any tribe, when matters rely on its elders

٧. تَميمٌ هُمُ قَومي فَلا تَعدِلَنَّهُم
بِحَيٍّ إِذا اِعتَزَّ الأُمورَ كَبيرُها

8. They are the fortress of honor which is feared through it
The fangs of the enemy and war boil its pots

٨. هُمُ مَعقِلُ العِزِّ الَّذي يُتَّقى بِهِ
ضِراسُ العِدى وَالحَربُ تَغلي قُدورُها

9. And if a battle were guaranteed for Khindif a band
We would arrange for it from Khindif one who would destroy it

٩. وَلَو ضَمِنَت حَرباً لِخِندِفَ أُسرَةٌ
عَبَأنا لَها مِن خِندِفٍ مَن يُبيرُها

10. So the living do not accept love for Khindif
But the edges of the highlands portray it

١٠. فَما تُقبِلُ الأَحياءُ مِن حُبِّ خِندِفٍ
وَلَكِنَّ أَطرافَ العَوالي تَصورُها

11. By my right I am wronged by the worlds against Khindif
And it has conquered the living among us their conquerors

١١. بِحَقّي أُضيمُ العالِمينَ بِخِندِفٍ
وَقَد قَهَرَ الأَحياءَ مِنّا قَهورُها

12. Kings who rule the Muslims and others
If they refuse obedience it is severely denied

١٢. مُلوكٌ تَسوسُ المُسلِمينَ وَغَيرَهُم
إِذا أَنكَرَت كانَت شَديداً نَكيرُها

13. We inherited the Book of Allah and the Kaaba which
In Mecca is veiled over it its curtains

١٣. وَرِثنا كِتابَ اللَهِ وَالكَعبَةَ الَّتي
بِمَكَّةَ مَحجوباً عَلَيها سُتورُها

14. And the best who walk upon the earth our tribe
And none of the departed are secured in their graves

١٤. وَأَفضَلُ مَن يَمشي عَلى الأَرضِ حَيُّنا
وَما ضَمِنَت في الذاهِبينَ قُبورُها