
The shepherds of sheep, Zayd and Manah

رعاء الشاء زيد مناة كانوا

1. The shepherds of sheep, Zayd and Manah
Were of the Kaadhima clan of Iraq, Bani Lakaa'

١. رِعاءُ الشاءِ زَيدَ مَناةَ كانوا
بِكاظِمَةِ العِراقِ بَني لَكاعا

2. And had the tribe of Banu Dhahl witnessed, they would have protected
The coats of mail, that they not be taken away

٢. وَلَو شَهِدَت بَني ذَهَلٍ لَحاموا
عَلى أَحسابِ ضَبَّةَ أَن تُضاعا