1. In the slanderers' glee should the boulder strike me,
Though Shibl's whelp drugged me with languor in the burrows,
١. بِفي الشامِتينَ الصَخرُ إِن كانَ مَسَّني
رَزِيَّةُ شِبلي مُخدِرٍ في الضَراغِمِ
2. A lion, when his cubs prowl around him,
The beasts of earth are terrified by the formidable one.
٢. هِزَبرٍ إِذا أَشبالَهُ سِرنَ حَولَهُ
تَشَظَّت سِباعُ الأَرضِ مِن ذي النَحائِمِ
3. I see that every living being always remains
With death overtaking it from the wombs of battles.
٣. أَرى كُلَّ حَيٍّ لا يَزالُ طَليعَةً
عَلَيهِ المَنايا مِن فُروجِ المَخارِمِ
4. And no one had death behind him,
Even if he lived for very long days in peace.
٤. وَما أَحَدٌ كانَ المَنايا وَراءَهُ
وَلَو عاشَ أَيّاماً طِوالاً بِسالِمِ
5. So I am not, even if my soul rent itself
With ardour after my two sons, Nawar the blameless,
٥. فَلَستُ وَلَو شَقَّت حَيازيمَ نَفسِها
مِنَ الوَجدِ بَعدَ اِبنَي نَوارَ بِلائِمِ
6. Grieving after the two who followed each other,
While death severed the talismans.
٦. عَلى حَزَنٍ بَعدَ اللَذَينِ تَتابَعا
لَها وَالمَنايا قاطِعاتُ التَمائِمِ
7. My two sons remind me, weakening,
When they rose between the twin stars.
٧. يُذَكِّرُني اِبنَيَّ السِماكانِ مَوهِناً
إِذا اِرتَفَعا بَينَ النُجومِ التَوائِمِ
8. So the tribes laughed at me before, with their son
And brothers, so spare me, nobility's shame.
٨. فَقَد رُزِئَ الأَقوامُ قَبلِيَ بِاِبنِهِم
وَإِخوانِهِم فَاِقني حَياءَ الكَرائِمِ
9. Before, the two Bald Ones died, and Hajib,
And Omar died, and the man Qais ibn Asim died.
٩. وَمِن قَبلُ ماتَ الأَقرَعانِ وَحاجِبٌ
وَعَمرٌ وَماتَ المَرءُ قَيسُ اِبنُ عاصِمِ
10. And my father died, and the two Munazirs, both of them,
And Amr ibn Kolthum, the shooting star of meteors.
١٠. وَماتَ أَبي وَالمُنذِرانُ كِلاهُما
وَعَمروُ اِبنُ كُلتومٍ شِهابُ الأَراقِمِ
11. And their best died, yet they were not destroyed
One evening, the company of Ka'b and Hatim.
١١. وَقَد ماتَ خَيراهُم فَلَم يُهلِكاهُمُ
عَشِيَّةَ بانا رَهطَ كَعبٍ وَحاتِمِ
12. And Bistam ibn Qais died, and Aamir,
And Abu Ghassan died, the elder of onsets.
١٢. وَقَد ماتَ بِسطامُ اِبنُ قَيسٍ وَعامِرٌ
وَماتَ أَبو غَسّانَ شَيخُ اللَهازِمِ
13. So your two sons are but two of mankind, so be patient,
For the dead will not return, however the bereaved weep.
١٣. فَما اِبناكِ إِلّا اِبنٌ مِنَ الناسِ فَاِصبِري
فَلَن يَرجِعَ المَوتى حَنينُ المَآتِمِ