
The son of the Messiah came to me, but did not find me

أتاني ابن المسيح فلم يجدني

1. The son of the Messiah came to me, but did not find me
Stingy with the water of our hostility towards him.

١. أَتاني اِبنُ المَسيحِ فَلَم يَجِدني
عَلَيهِ بِماءِ شِنَّتِنا بَخيلا

2. So I said to him, "Help yourself," for I
Feared for your eye and the guide.

٢. فَقُلتُ لَهُ تَسَمَّلها فَإِنّي
أَخافُ عَلَيكَ عَينَكَ وَالدَليلا

3. I see one eye has turned, and another
Moves its eyelid, bleary and weak.

٣. أَرى عَيناً قَدِ اِنقَلَبَت وَأُخرى
تُقَلِّبُ طَرفَها شَفّاً كَليلا

4. And for the goat I have poured out a bucket,
With which I quenched the heat and the inflammation.

٤. وَلِلعَنزِيِّ قَد أَفرَغتُ سَجلاً
شَفَيتُ بِهِ الحَرارَةَ وَالغَليلا

5. So the real one said, "It's a ruin, except that
We followed the water and the shaded rock."

٥. فَقالَ الأَصلُ خِندِفُ غَيرَ أَنّا
تَبِعنا الماءَ وَالأَجَمَ الظَليلا