
For he has two palms that rain

فإن له كفين في راحتيهما

1. For he has two palms that rain
Springtime for the orphans and the poor.

١. فَإِنَّ لَهُ كَفَّينِ في راحَتَيهِما
رَبيعُ اليَتامى وَالمَساكينِ وابِلُه

2. When news of Khalid's death reached me
As my tears flowed copiously.

٢. إِذا بَلَغَت بي خالِداً وَهيَ لَم تَقُم
فَبَلَّ يَدَيها مِن دَمِ الجَوفِ سائِلُه

3. And what burdens and needs press upon me,
And glory upon glory made heavy by fate.

٣. وَكائِن عَلَيها مِن رَديفٍ وَحاجَةٍ
وَمَجدٍ إِلى مَجدٍ رَواسٍ أَثاقِلُه

4. The days have folded their tents and departed,
Migrating nights come in succession.

٤. إِلَيكَ طَوى الأَنساعَ حَولَ رِحالِها
هَواجِرُ أَيّامٍ بِلَيلٍ تُواصِلُه

5. He was nursed by Quraysh, honored by Darim,
And Sa'd, of generous glory are his tribes.

٥. نَمَتهُ قُرَيشٌ أَكرَموها وَدارِمٌ
وَسَعدٌ إِلى المَجدِ الكَريمِ قَبايِلُه