
If you deny the dates of Rāzān from our camels passing by,

إن تمنع التمر من رازان مائرنا

1. If you deny the dates of Rāzān from our camels passing by,
You are not denying most of the living tribe that migrated.

١. إِن تَمنَعَ التَمرَ مِن رازانَ مائِرَنا
فَلَستَ مانِعَ جُلَّ الحَيِّ مَن هَجَرا

2. I had warned you of my war, when
Its fires flared up, it is a fire that casts sparks.

٢. قَد كُنتُ أَنذَرتُكُم حَربي إِذا اِستَعَرَت
نيرانُها هِيَ نارٌ تَقذِفُ الشَرَرا

3. Evil be to your fire and the cooking pot when erected
Upon the cooking stones, and the morning light shone.

٣. قُبحاً لِنارِكُمُ وَالقِدرُ إِذ نُصِبَت
عَلى الأَثافي وَضَوءُ الصُبحِ قَد جَشَرا

4. If he who dwells with you knew,
He would not have rested by night among your tents.

٤. لَو كانَ يَعلَمُ ما أَنتُم مُجاوِرُكُم
لَما أَناخَ إِلى أَحفاشِكُم سَحَرا