
Abalhil, have you changed your colors?

أباهل هل أنتم مغير لونكم

1. Abalhil, have you changed your colors?
And prevented yourselves from being divided?

١. أَباهِلُ هَل أَنتُم مُغَيِّرُ لَونِكُم
وَمانِعَكُم أَن تُجعَلوا في المَقاسِمِ

2. I reproach a people whose father is docile,
To him belong the shining, noble deeds.

٢. هِجاأُكُمُ قَوماً أَبوهُم مُجاشِعٌ
لَهُ المَأثُراتُ البيضُ ذاتُ المَكارِمِ

3. I am too shy, yes I feel embarrassed,
To reproach you with some of the harsh satires.

٣. فَإِنّي لَأَستَحيِي وَإِنّي لَعابِئٌ
لَكُم بَعضَ مُرّاتِ الهِجاءِ العَوارِمِ

4. Don't you remember your days when you were sold
By an enemy and he took your money wrongfully?

٤. أَلَم تَذكُروا أَيّامَكُم إِذ تَبيعُكُم
بَغيضٌ وَتُعطي مالَكُم في المَغارِمِ

5. They would hasten, rush with their stomachs to you,
With the tails of the sitting camels, branded.

٥. يُعَجِّلنَ يَرهَصنَ البُطونَ إِلَيكُمُ
بِأَعجازِ قِعدانِ الوِطابِ الرَواسِمِ

6. O Bani Amer, why don't you forbid your slaves,
While you are free from all sins and crimes?

٦. بَني عامِرٍ هَلّا نَهَيتُم عَبيدَكُم
وَأَنتُم صِحاحٌ مِن كُلومِ الجَرائِمِ

7. I think poetry knows about you,
The virtues of Ghawr, aiming for the seasons.

٧. فَإِنّي أَظُنُّ الشِعرَ مُطَّلِعٌ بِكُم
مَناقِبَ غَورٍ عامِداً لِلمَواسِمِ

8. And if it informs about Najd, bite your fingers
At a time when regret benefits no penitent.

٨. وَإِن يَطَّلِع نَجداً تَعَضّوا بَنانَاكُم
عَلى حينَ لا تُغني نَدامَةَ نادِمِ

9. And I haven't left anyone of Qais Ailan with spears
Or Indian swords other than the scattered ones.

٩. وَما تَرَكَت مِن قَيسِ عَيلانَ بِالقَنا
وَبِالهُندُوانِيّات غَيرِ الشَراذِمِ

10. The daughters of Sarrah are docile, above its backs
When the caller rouses the men with the heels.

١٠. بَناتُ الصَريحِ الدُهمُ فَوقَ مُتونِها
إِذا ثَوَّبَ الداعي رِجالُ الأَراقِمِ

11. The dogs of meanness thought that I don't satirize
Tribes except the two sons of Dukhan in Darim.

١١. أَظَنَّت كِلابُ اللُؤمِ أَن لَستُ شاتِماً
قَبائِلَ إِلّا اِبنَي دُخانٍ بِدارِمِ

12. How bad is the protector of truth, and the one
Who takes refuge in it from great sins.

١٢. لَبِئسَ إِذاً حامي الحَقيقَةِ وَالَّذي
يُلاذُ بِهِ مِن مُضلِعاتِ العَظائِمِ

13. And how many villain I raised his name,
And fed him through my name while he was not feeding.

١٣. وَكَم مِن لَئيمٍ قَد رَفَعتُ لَهُ اِسمَهُ
وَأَطعَمتُهُ بِاِسمي وَلَيسَ بِطاعِمِ

14. He was soft, so he became softer
And meaner, with evident disgrace in resistances.

١٤. وَكانَ دَقيقَ الرَحطِ فَاِزدادَ رِقَّةً
وَلُؤماً وَخِزياً فاضِحاً في المَقاوِمِ

15. Abalhil, dishonor built upon you
The tents of meanness, a lasting affliction.

١٥. أَباهِلَ إِنَّ الذُلَّ بِاللُؤمِ قَد بَنى
عَلَيكُم خِباءَ اللُؤمِ ضَربَةَ لازِمِ

16. Abalhil, who is there if you are returned
As slaves to your masters, of opponents?

١٦. أَباهِلَ هَل مِن دونِكُم إِن رُدِدتُمُ
عَبيداً إِلى أَربابِكُم مِن مُخاصِمِ

17. Abalhil, you are not the first who threw
At me, even if you are the wickedest of the wicked.

١٧. أَباهِلَ ما أَنتُم بِأَوَّلِ مَن رَمى
إِلَيَّ وَإِن كُنتُم لِئامَ الأَلائِمِ

18. For if you return me where I was, I would return
Through Al-Mahdi all the injustices.

١٨. فَإِن تَرجِعوني حَيثُ كُنتُم رَدَدتُمُ
فَقَد رُدَّ بِالمَهدِيِّ كُلُّ المَظالِمِ

19. Were you anything but slaves who were freed
With collars around your necks and rings?

١٩. وَهَل كُنتُمُ إِلّا عَبيداً نَفَيتُمُ
مُقَلَّدَةً أَعناقُها بِالخَواتِمِ

20. When the two sons of Rabia rise
To an abyss that cannot be climbed with ladders.

٢٠. إِذا أَنتُما يا اِبنَي رَبيعَةَ قُمتُما
إِلى هُوَّةٍ لا تُرتَقى بِالسَلالِمِ

21. Beware I will throw you together
To its depths after intimacy of bosom friends.

٢١. فَإِيّاكُما لا أَدفَعَنَّكُما مَعاً
إِلى قَعرِها بَعدَ اِعتِراقِ المَلاوِمِ

22. But satirizing Bahila intensely
Is one of the major forbidden matters.

٢٢. وَإِنَّ هِجاءَ الباهِلِيِّينَ دارِماً
لَإِحدى الأُمورِ المُنكَراتِ العَظائِمِ

23. Is there anyone worthy in Ma'add other than
The two houses of Abd Shams and Hashim?

٢٣. وَهَل في مَعَدٍّ مِن كِفاءٍ نَعُدُّهُ
لَنا غَيرَ بَيتَي عَبدِ شَمسٍ وَهاشِمِ

24. Are we not the most rightful of people when they measured
To glory with the distinguished feats?

٢٤. أَلَسنا أَحَقَّ الناسِ حينَ تَقايَسوا
إِلى المَجدِ بِالمُستَأثَراتِ الجَسايِمِ

25. And if you resurrect me after seventy years
Will I not be like the torment of Hell with its crimes?

٢٥. وَإِن تَبعَثوني بَعدَ سَبعينَ حِجَّةً
أَكُن كَعَذابِ النارِ ذاتِ الجَحائِمِ

26. And my satire, O two sons of Dukhan, and you
Is smoother than the impact of the sharp tongues.

٢٦. وَإِنَّ هِجائي اِبنَي دُخانٍ وَأَنتُما
كَأَملَسَ مِن وَقعِ الأَسِنَّةِ سالِمِ

27. So the days did not leave, listen to the one
That deafens and blinds with major calamities.

٢٧. فَلَم تَدَعِ الأَيّامُ فَاِستَمِعا الَّتي
تُصَمُّ وَتُعمي بِالكِبارِ الخَواطِمِ

28. Thuhala of Rabia knew that you
Are slaves, and you were the most enslaved to defeats.

٢٨. وَقَد عَلِمَت ذُهلا رَبيعَةَ أَنَّكُم
عَبيدٌ وَكُنتُم أَعبُداً لِلَّهازِمِ

29. For you were in Taghlib, daughter of Wail
Slaves to them, given the dirhams as revenue.

٢٩. فَقَد كُنتُمُ في تَغلِبٍ بِنتِ وائِلٍ
عَبيداً لَهُم يُعطَونَ خَرجَ الدَراهِمِ