1. If I could seek closeness from you through flattery
I would come to the best of mankind, bound in shackles,
١. إِن أَستَطِع مِنكَ الدُنُوِّ فَإِنَّني
سَأَدنو بِأَشلاءِ الأَسيرِ المُقَيَّدِ
2. The one who, when called upon for help,
Would be like one whose good fortune has passed.
٢. إِلى خَيرِ أَهلِ الأَرضِ مَن يَستَغِث بِهِ
يَكُن مِثلَ مَن مَرَّت لَهُ طَيرُ أَسعَدُ
3. If I were able to make effort, I would make the effort
Toward you, with the necks of sacrificed animals adorned.
٣. وَلَو أَنَّني أَسطيعُ سَعياً سَعَيتُهُ
إِلَيكَ وَأَعناقِ الهَدِيِّ المُقَلَّدِ
4. The caliph of mankind, his light has risen;
Through him, all who seek guidance are guided.
٤. خَليفَةُ أَهلِ الأَرضِ أَصبَحَ ضَوءُهُ
بِهِ كانَ يَهدي لِلهُدى كُلَّ مُهتَدِ
5. Indeed, the Commander of the Faithful, his hands
Encompass all mankind from every vantage point.
٥. فَإِنَّ أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ مُحيطَةٌ
يَداهُ بِأَهلِ الأَرضِ مِن كُلِّ مَرصَدِ
6. So I do not fear people as long as you are safe,
Even if the slanderer brings envy upon me.
٦. فَلَستُ أَخافُ الناسَ ما دُمتَ سالِماً
وَلَو أَجلَبَ الساعي عَلَيَّ بِحُسَّدي
7. The Commander of the Faithful will refuse, through his justice
Over people and beasts, when hands are at ease.
٧. سَيَأبى أَميرُ المُؤمِنينَ بِعَدلِهِ
عَلى الناسِ وَالسَبعَينِ في راحَةِ اليَدِ
8. There is no injustice as long as the Caliph remains
Hisham, and not an outcast from his family.
٨. وَلا ظُلمَ ما دامَ الخَليفَةُ قائِماً
هِشامٌ وَما عَن أَهلِهِ مِن مُشَرَّدِ
9. So will your hearts be healed, O Banu Marwan,
By true oaths, clear and firmly sworn?
٩. فَهَل يا بَني مَروانَ تُشفى صُدورُكُم
بِأَيمانِ صَبرٍ بادِياتٍ وَعُوَّدِ
10. I did not raise my cloak, if I said what they claim
Against me, when I don my cloak with my hands.
١٠. فَلا رَفَعَت إِن كُنتُ قُلتُ الَّتي رَوَوا
عَلَيَّ رِدائي حينَ أَلبَسُهُ يَدي
11. We are standing where the ground was once trodden
By the foot of God's dear friend, the best to tread there.
١١. وَنَحنُ قِيامٌ حَيثُ كانَت وَطاءَةً
لِرِجلِ خَليلِ اللَهِ مِن خَيرِ مَحتِدِ
12. So do not leave my excuse, shining clear,
And do not make me, in doubt, like one discarded.
١٢. فَلا تَترُكوا عُذري المُضيءَ بَيانَهُ
وَلا تَجعَلوني في الرَكِيَّةِ كَالرَدي
13. How can I insult the river of God, after
It has surged with ramparts of water, frothing?
١٣. وَكَيفَ أَسُبُّ النَهرَ لِلَّهِ بَعدَما
تَرامى بِدَفّاعٍ مِنَ الماءِ مُزبِدِ
14. To every land which Khaled led Dijlah
And it had not been led there before him.
١٤. إِلى كُلِّ أَرضٍ قادَ دِجلَةَ خالِدٌ
إِلَيها وَكانَت قَبلَهُ لَم تُقَوَّدِ