
A specter of my love from Ulayya came to me

ألم خيال من علية بعدما

1. A specter of my love from Ulayya came to me
After my family had wished I'd recover from grievous ills

١. أَلَمَّ خَيالٌ مِن عُلَيَّةَ بَعدَما
رَجا لِيَ أَهلي البُرءَ مِن داءِ دانِفِ

2. I was as a palm whose trunk lies broken
When the ropes of those who would climb it fail

٢. وَكُنتُ كَذي ساقٍ تَهَيَّضَ كَسرُها
إِذا اِنقَطَعَت عَنها سُيورُ السَقائِفِ

3. So I can devise no more schemes after my standing
For one with a broken limb from Ulayya to cure

٣. فَأَصبَحَ لا يَحتالُ بَعدَ قِيامِهِ
لِمُنهاضَ كَسرٍ مِن عُلَيَّةَ رادِفِ

4. And if people were to portray virtue
It would diminish it greatly in each describer's eyes

٤. وَلَو وَصَفَ الناسُ الحِسانَ لَأَضعَفَت
عَلَيهِنَّ أَضعافاً لَدى كُلِّ واصِفِ

5. For virtue owns half of all charm
Along with a beautiful discretion before the zealous

٥. لِأَنَّ لَها نِصفَ المِلاحَةِ قِسمَةً
مَعَ الفَترَةِ الحَسناءِ عِندَ التَهانُفِ

6. I remembered you, O mother of the highborn
While around us lie open the gates of imprisoning dungeons

٦. ذَكَرتُكِ يا أُمَّ العَلاءِ وَدونَنا
مَصاريعُ أَبوابِ السُجونِ الصَوارِفِ

7. A soul that ached for Ulayya has confessed
To prolonged estrangement whenever she does not redouble her efforts

٧. قَدِ اِعتَرَفَت نَفسٌ عُلَيَّةَ داؤُها
بِطولِ ضَنىً مِنها إِذا لَم تُساعِفِ

8. So if the Merciful releases my bond I will fulfill it
With vows from eager lips should I live to do so

٨. فَإِن يُطلِقُ الرَحمَنُ قَيدي فَأَلقَها
نُحَلِّل نُذوراً بِالشِفاهِ الرَواشِفِ

9. Otherwise, the messenger will convey it as it is destined
To reach her in the scrolls of parchment

٩. وَإِلّا تُبَلِّغها القِلاصُ فَإِنَّها
سَتُبلِغُها عَنّي بُطونُ الصَحائِفِ

10. And if the mother of the exalted were to settle in her abode
Then she would find me hastening to her without hesitation

١٠. وَلَو أَسقَبَت أُمُّ العَلاءِ بِدارِها
إِذاً لَتَلَقَّتني لَها غَيرَ عائِفِ

11. And how many bonds has the mother of the exalted severed
Of hearts fastened by weak vision

١١. وَكَم قَطَّعَت أُمُّ العَلاءِ مِنَ القُوى
وَمَوصولِ حَبلٍ بِالعُيونِ الضَعائِفِ

12. My heart insisted on finding solace in a longing
Whose mention came amidst the sleepless and the blissful

١٢. أَبى القَلبُ إِلّا أَن يُسَلّى بِحاجَةٍ
أَتى ذِكرُها بَينَ الحَشا وَالشَواغِفِ

13. By one in thrall to the sword who cries out among them
Against the bitterness that she was opposed

١٣. وَمُنتَحِرٍ بِالبيدِ يَصدَعُ بَينَها
عَنِ القورِ أَن مَرَّت بِها مُتَجانِفِ

14. Like a garden for the waterways when they meander
Through it, from a barren and desolate wasteland

١٤. وَرودٍ لِأَعدادِ المِياهِ إِذا اِنتَحى
عَلَيهِ الرَزايا مِن حَسيرٍ وَزاحِفِ