1. A warning came from Ziyad, and I could not sleep
The torrents of passion raged below me, and beasts prowled above
١. وَعيدٌ أَتاني مِن زِيادٍ فَلَم أَنَم
وَسَيلُ اللَوى دوني وَهَضبُ التَهائِمِ
2. So I spent the night as if a date-palm of Khaybar
Had crept into my bones, or the spittle of vipers
٢. فَبِتُّ كَأَنّي مُشعَرٌ خَيبَرِيَّةً
سَرَت في عِظامي أَو لُعابُ الأَراقِمِ