
Alas! Hinaydah scoffed at me when she saw me

ألا استهزأت مني هنيدة أن رأت

1. Alas! Hinaydah scoffed at me when she saw me
A captive whose steps were fettered in shackles

١. أَلا اِستَهزَأَت مِنّي هُنَيدَةُ أَن رَأَت
أَسيراً يُداني خَطوَهُ حَلَقُ الحِجلِ

2. Had she known that my bonds are the strongest
Towards the Fire, she would have spoken wisely

٢. وَلَو عَلِمَت أَنَّ الوَثاقَ أَشَدُّهُ
إِلى النارِ قالَت لي مَقالَةَ ذي عَقلِ

3. By my life! If I restrain myself, for long have I
Strived and guided the she-camel towards ignorance

٣. لَعَمري لَئِن قَيَّدتُ نَفسي لَطالَما
سَعَيتُ وَأَوضَعتُ المَطِيَّةَ لِلجَهلِ

4. For thirty years I see not any glimpse
Except I strengthen my saddle for it

٤. ثَلاثينَ عاماً لا أَرى مِن عَمايَةٍ
إِذا بَرَقَت إِلّا شَدَدتُ لَها رَحلي

5. To me came the talks of al-Baith and after him
Green chrysolites of chrysocola to the sand

٥. أَتَتني أَحاديثُ البَعيثِ وَدونَهُ
زَرودٌ فَشاماتُ الشَقيقِ إِلى الرَملِ

6. So I said: I think the son of the wicked woman thought
That I was diverted from shooting arrows with skill

٦. فَقُلتُ أَظَنَّ اِبنُ الخَبيثَةِ أَنَّني
شُغِلتُ عَنِ الرامي الكِنانَةَ بِالنَبلِ

7. If my fetters were a vow I vowed
Then I have no distraction from my people's accounts

٧. فَإِن يَكُ قَيدي كانَ نَذراً نَذَرتُهُ
فَما بِيَ عَن أَحسابِ قَومِيَ مِن شُغلِ

8. I am the guarantor, the guardian over them
It is I or the like of me who defends their accounts

٨. أَنا الضامِنُ الراعي عَلَيهِم وَإِنَّما
يُدافِعُ عَن أَحسابِهِم أَنا أَو مِثلي

9. Had they lost what they said "Graze from us" you would find them
Miserly with the precious thing from the esteemed lineage

٩. وَلَو ضاعَ ما قالوا اِرعَ مِنّا وَجَدتَهُم
شِحاحاً عَلى الغالي مِنَ الحَسَبِ الجَزلِ

10. When they approved of me as the guarantor
Of my people's accounts in the mountains and in the plains

١٠. إِذا ما رَضوا مِنّي إِذا كُنتُ ضامِناً
بِأَحسابِ قَومي في الجِبالِ وَفي السَهلِ

11. However long I live, they will not guarantee me, nor will I
Put down accounts for them, as long as my slipper moves

١١. فَمَهما أَعِش لا يُضمِنوني وَلا أَضَع
لَهُم حَسَباً ما حَرَّكَت قَدَمي نَعلي

12. And I will not be, when the dust rises over a man,
The next morning after the wager, with the slow or stumbling

١٢. وَلَستُ إِذا ثارَ الغُبارُ عَلى اِمرِئٍ
غَداةَ الرِهانِ بِالبَطيءِ وَلا الوَغلِ

13. Rather you see for me the utmost glory preceding
When the steeds are led by the excellent stallions

١٣. وَلَكِن تَرى لي غايَةُ المَجدِ سابِقاً
إِذا الخَيلُ قادَتها الجِيادُ مَعَ الفَحلِ

14. And around you are people whose minds you returned
To them, they would be like the moth in ignorance

١٤. وَحَولَكَ أَقوامٌ رَدَدتَ عُقولَهُم
عَلَيهِم لَكانوا كَالفَراشِ مِنَ الجَهلِ