
I saw you blossoming as you grew

رأيتك قد نضلت وأنت تنمي

1. I saw you blossoming as you grew
Toward the champions of struggle

١. رَأَيتُكَ قَد نَضَلتَ وَأَنتَ تَنمي
إِلى الأَحسابِ أَصحابَ النِضالِ

2. By God, whom Quraysh made pilgrimage to
The days and nights follow each other

٢. وَإِنّي وَالَّذي حَجَّت قُرَيشٌ
لَهُ الأَيّامَ تابِعَةَ اللَيالي

3. Right hand of a protector, so protect my right hand
In Mecca at the resting place of belongings

٣. يَمينَ مُحافِظٍ فَاِحفَظ يَميني
بِمَكَّةَ عِندَ مُطَّرَحِ الرِحالِ

4. That they may travel to you in a large group
On she-camels and camels

٤. لِتَرتَحِلَن إِلَيكَ بِبَطنِ جَمعٍ
عَلى النوقِ النَواعِجِ وَالجِمالِ

5. I will leave for you some of my praise
For what you gave in past eras

٥. سَأَترُكُ باقِياً لَكَ مِن ثَنائي
بِما أَولَيتَ في الحِقَبِ الخَوالي

6. And how many a father rises and grows
And an uncle, O Bilal, to the heights

٦. وَكَم لَكَ مِن أَبٍ يَعلو وَيَنمى
وَعَمٍّ يا بِلالُ إِلى المَعالي