
Have you not seen how we found the impetuous one

ألم تر أنا وجدنا الضبيح

1. Have you not seen how we found the impetuous one
Taking revenge for his brother, being miserly with us

١. أَلَم تَرَ أَنّا وَجَدنا الضَبيحَ
بِثَأرِ أَخيهِ عَلَينا بَخيلا

2. As if we were contending with a snake
On a mountain that refuses to descend

٢. كَأَنّا نُباري بِهِ حَيَّةً
عَلى جَبَلٍ لا يُريدُ النُزولا

3. Deaf, obstinate, answering no supplication
The sun scarcely sees him

٣. أَصَمَّ أَبى ما يُجيبُ الرُقى
وَلَم تَرَهُ الشَمسُ إِلّا قَليلا

4. Refusing to lead, difficult to save
When we say "no" he refuses to speak

٤. أَبِيُّ المَقادَةِ صَعبُ النَجِيِّ
إِذا نَحنُ قُلنا أَبى أَن يَقولا

5. Except to say the avenger
Avenges the fortresses, gratifying the abject

٥. سِوى أَنَّهُ قالَ إِنَّ القِلاصَ
قِلاصَ المَعاقِلِ تُرضي الذَليلا

6. Had they accepted reason from their vengeance
We would have bent over backwards to gratify them

٦. وَلَو قَبِلوا العَقلَ مِن ثَأرِهِم
أَنَخنا لَهُم شَدقَمِيّاً ذَلولا

7. Clenching the four complainers
The judgment left in it no crack

٧. يُطَبِّقُ بِالأَربَعِ المُعكَياتِ
لَم يَدَعِ الحُكمُ فيها فَصيلا