
If you were like me, O Khayar, you would have been abused,

لو كنت مثلي يا خيار تعسفت

1. If you were like me, O Khayar, you would have been abused,
By you the perfect white orb attacked the crooked tent peg.

١. لَو كُنتَ مِثلي يا خِيارُ تَعَسَّفَت
بِكَ البيضُ ضَربَ العَوجَهِيَّ وَداعِرِ

2. And you were in the land of the skillful, stationed
At every wind from the intestine and the present liver.

٢. وَكُنتَ عَلى أَرضِ المَهاري مُؤَمَّراً
عَلى كُلِّ بادٍ مِن مَعَدٍّ وَحاضِرِ

3. With limbs made slender if you walked by night,
By it, five of the coolness of morning became hastening.

٣. مُهَلَّلَةَ الأَعضادِ إِن سِرتَ لَيلَةً
بِها أَصبَحَت خِمسَ البَريدِ المُبادِرِ

4. And if you had been resolute, you would have girded their chests
With every strong strap made of goat hair fabric.

٤. وَلَو كُنتَ بِالحَزمِ اِحتَزَمتَ صُدورَها
بِكُلِّ عِلافِيٍّ مِنَ المَيسِ قاتِرِ

5. You see them, when the guide hopes to reach them,
The staff of each old man of many days breaks.

٥. تَراها إِذا الحادي رَجا أَن تَنالَها
عَصاهُ شَأَتهُ كُلُّ حَقباءَ ضامِرِ

6. You see camels that have not moved their necks,
And they, when they move, other than the young camels.

٦. تَرى إِبِلاً ما لَم تُحَرِّك رُؤوسَها
وَهُنَّ إِذا حَرَّكنَ غَيرُ الأَباعِرِ

7. And you were a man who did not recognize the matter coming,
And were not, when you denied it, one with stores.

٧. وَكُنتَ اِمرَأً لَم تَعرِفِ الأَمرَ مُقبِلاً
وَلَم تَكُ إِذ أَنكَرتَهُ ذا مَصادِرِ

8. Why then did you not fear the people when you brought them out
From prison, lively serpents, strong of striking.

٨. فَهَلّا خَشيتَ القَومَ إِذ أَخرَجَتهُمُ
مِنَ السِجنِ حَيّاتٌ صِلابُ المَكاسِرِ

9. People who swords relieve anxiety from them
When the breaths were at the throats.

٩. أُناسٌ تُراخي الكَربَ عَنهُم سُيوفُهُم
إِذا كانَتِ الأَنفاسُ عِندَ الحَناجِرِ