
You blame me for satirizing the clan of Kulayb,

تلوم على هجاء بني كليب

1. You blame me for satirizing the clan of Kulayb,
Yet to blame is so unbecoming of you.

١. تَلومُ عَلى هِجاءِ بَني كُلَيبٍ
فَيا لَكَ لِلمَلامَةِ مِن نَوارا

2. I said to her, "Do you not recognize me,
When my waist-wrap is tightened in earnest?"

٢. فَقُلتُ لَها أَلَمّا تَعرِفيني
إِذا شَدَّت مُحافَلَتي الإِزارا

3. Had the nobles of Kulayb satirized me,
I'd not have engaged them in discourse.

٣. فَلَو غَيرُ الوَبارِ بَني كُلَيبٍ
هَجَوني ما أَرَدتُ لَهُم حِوارا

4. But when the vile satirize me,
I grow wrathful, and my defense turns vocal.

٤. وَلَكِنَّ اللِئامَ إِذا هَجَوني
غَضِبتُ فَكانَ نُصرَتِيَ الجِهارا

5. At the end of her reproaches she said,
"Would you satirize the doddering elders?"

٥. وَقالَت عِندَ آخِرِ ما نَهَتني
أَتَهجو بِالخَضارِمَةِ الوِبارا

6. "Would you satirize the bald and the son of Layla,
And old Sa'sa'ah who roamed the seas?"

٦. أَتَهجو بِالأَقارِعِ وَاِبنِ لَيلى
وَصَعصَعَةَ الَّذي غَمَرَ البِحارا

7. "And Najiyah, whose tent ropes Tameem
Would follow wherever they were pitched?"

٧. وَناجِيَةَ الَّذي كانَت تَميمٌ
تَعيشُ بِحَزمِهِ أَنّى أَشارا

8. With him Tameem's spears were planted
On the eve when the hems were tucked up.

٨. بِهِ رَكَزَ الرِماحَ بَنو تَميمٍ
عَشِيَّةَ حَلَّتِ الظُعُنُ النِسارا

9. While you harp on the clan of Kulayb,
Mumbling and stammering incoherently,

٩. وَأَنتَ تَسوقُ بَهمَ بَني كُلَيبٍ
تُطَرطِبُ قائِماً تُشلي الحُوارا

10. How can you restrain yourself, O son of Layla,
To a crumbling ruin with hollowed caves?

١٠. فَكَيفَ تَرُدُّ نَفسَكَ يا اِبنَ لَيلى
إِلى ظِربى تَحَفَّرَتِ المَغارا

11. Do you reckon the rabble of Kulayb
To be the worst of men in lineage and abode?

١١. أَجَعلانَ الرَغامِ بَني كُلَيبٍ
شِرارَ الناسِ أَحساباً وَدارا

12. Nay, lift them up, for your father aspires
To the heights whenever the trenches are dug.

١٢. فَرافِعهُم فَإِنَّ أَباكَ يَنمى
إِلى العُليا إِذا اِحتَفَروا النِقارا

13. Your father is nobler than Kulayb
When the staffs are tightly bound together.

١٣. وَإِنَّ أَباكَ أَكرَمُ مِن كُلَيبٍ
إِذا العيدانُ تُعتَصَرُ اِعتِصارا

14. When Abu Jarir's kin are reckoned
He lingers shyly by his dugout and recoils,

١٤. إِذا جُعِلَ الرَغامِ أَبو جَريرٍ
تَرَدَّدَ دونَ حُفرَتِهِ فَحارا

15. Caring not whether the black bondsman
Is sullied by night or by day,

١٥. مِنَ السودِ السَراعِفِ ما يُبالي
أَلَيلاً ما تَلَطَّخَ أَم نَهارا

16. For he has a gift for him should he fear aught
From the slave chains he had covetously buried away."

١٦. لَهُ دُهدِيَّةٌ إِن خافَ شَيئاً
مِنَ الجِعلانِ أَحرَزَها اِحتِفارا