
The tearful eye of a sorrowful one wept long, extending its flow.

بكت عين محزون فطال انسجامها

1. The tearful eye of a sorrowful one wept long, extending its flow.
And the nights of misfortune lengthened, not allowing it to sleep.

١. بَكَت عَينُ مَحزونٍ فَطالَ اِنسِجامُها
وَطالَت لَيالي حادِثٍ لا يَنامُها

2. Misfortunes from the night of afflictions hit me,
So their arrows struck the best of us.

٢. حَوادِثُ مِن لَيلِ المَنينِ أَصَبنَني
فَصارَ عَلى الأَخيارِ مِنّا سِهامُها

3. It was as though death sought our souls
With resolute determination, once its ardour kindled.

٣. كَأَنَّ المَنايا يَطَّلِبنَ نُفوسَنا
بِذَحلٍ إِذا ما حُمَّ يَوماً حِمامُها

4. If we weep, we do not weep for the misfortunes when they came -
Time and days brought them fiercely arguing.

٤. فَإِن نَبكِ لا نَبكِ المُصيباتِ إِذ أَتى
بِها الدَهرُ وَالأَيّامُ جَمٌّ خِصامُها

5. But we weep for your violation of sacred laws regarding Khalid -
Sanctities of ours that are forbidden to violate.

٥. وَلَكِنَّنا نَبكي تَنَهُّكَ خالِدٍ
مَحارِمَ مِنّا لا يَحِلُّ حَرامُها

6. So tell the Banu Marwan: What's wrong with a covenant
And the sanctity of a permitted thing they do not respect?

٦. فَقُل لِبَني مَروانَ ما بالُ ذِمَّةً
وَحُرمَةَ حِلٍّ لَيسَ يُرعى ذِمامُها

7. Indeed shedding our blood in God's cause
Is no sin on our part - its legitimacy is evident.

٧. أَلا في سَبيلِ اللَهِ سَفكُ دِمائِنا
بِلا جُرمَةٍ مِنّا يَبينُ اِجتِرامُها

8. We extended a breast whose gift we were not reciprocated,
And an arm that rose up and completed its work.

٨. مَدَدنا بِثَديٍ ما جُزينا بِدَرِّهِ
وَأَيدٍ بِنا اِستَعلَت وَتَمَّ تَمامُها

9. And Khalid rose up to avenge Ibn al-Muhallab's murder -
The remnants of right guidance and its imam still in us.

٩. وَثارَ بِقَتلِ اِبنِ المُهَلَّبِ خالِدٌ
وَفينا بَقِيّاتُ الهُدى وَإِمامُها

10. I see the helpers of Egypt, their victory is humbled,
But Qays - Syria's protection - will not be disgraced.

١٠. أَرى مُضَرَ المِصرَينِ قَد ذَلَّ نَصرُها
وَلَكِنَّ قَيساً لا يُذَلُّ شَآمُها

11. So who will convey to Qays and Khindif in Syria
News that cannot be remedied unless treated?

١١. فَمَن مُبلِغٌ بِالشامِ قَيساً وَخِندِفاً
أَحاديثَ ما يُشفى بِبُرءٍ سَقامُها

12. News we complain of to them,
And injustice that covers faces in darkness.

١٢. أَحاديثَ مِنّا نَشتَكيها إِلَيهِمُ
وَمُظلِمَةً يَغشى الوُجوهَ ظَلامُها

13. For if one who rejects injustice is among them,
He will be angered by it, both their elder and youth.

١٣. فَإِن مَن بِها مَن يُنكِرَ الضَيمَ مِنهُمُ
فَيَغضَبَ مِنها كَهلُها وَغُلامُها

14. The likes of it, he promises the likes of them, so they break
And the people of injustice know how vengeance is taken -

١٤. يَعُد مِثلُها مِن مِثلِهِم فَيُنَكِّلوا
فَيَعلَمَ أَهلُ الجَورِ كَيفَ اِنتِقامُها

15. By the stalwarts among their Mudari multitudes
Whose arms in it offset the tribes completely.

١٥. بِغَلباءَ مِن جُمهورِها مُضَرِيَّةٍ
تُزايِلُ فيها أَذرُعَ القَومِ لامُها

16. And whites whom the deluder made as if
They were stars unveiled by a departing darkness.

١٦. وَبيضٍ عَلاهُنَّ الدِجالُ كَأَنَّها
كَواكِبَ يَجلوها لِسارٍ ظَلامُها

17. Ibn Yazid's blood was made permissible for Khalid.
Does an ardent soul not appease its thirst?

١٧. دَمُ اِبنِ يَزيدٍ كانَ حِلّاً لِخالِدٍ
أَلَهفي لِنَفسٍ لَيسَ يُشفى حُيامُها

18. So change the Commander of the Faithful, for it
Is a Yemeni imbecile - Hisham is its protector.

١٨. فَغَيَّر أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ فَإِنَّها
يَمانِيَةٌ حَمقاءُ أَنتَ هِشامُها

19. By Ibn Yazid and Ibn Zahr's blood, Tamim's
Sanctities were violated and its people slain.

١٩. أَبِاِبنِ يَزيدٍ وَاِبنِ زَحرٍ تَحَلَّلَت
دِماءُ تَميمٍ وَاِستُبيحَ سَوامُها

20. Am I to be killed among you when I killed your enemy
For your religion while war clothed all in darkness?

٢٠. أَنُقتَلُ فيكُم إِذ قَتَلنا عَدُوَّكُم
عَلى دينِكُم وَالحَربُ بادٍ قَتامُها

21. And remote from you, we faced it as the echo faces
Clear words, though it garbles their articulation.

٢١. وَغَبراءَ عَنكُم قَد جَلَونا كَما جَلا
صَدى حِليَةِ المَأثورِ عَنهُ تِلامُها

22. Indeed, if you appreciated our affliction
And our days that count among grave calamities,

٢٢. لَقَد كانَ فينا لَو شَكَرتُم بَلاءَنا
وَأَيّامَنا الَّتي تُعَدُّ جِسامُها

23. We would have among you support and means of bounty
When the dark, murky discord kindled its flames.

٢٣. لَنا فيكُمُ أَيدٍ وَأَسبابُ نِعمَةٍ
إِذا الفِتنَةُ العَشواءُ شُبَّ اِحتِدامُها

24. The reins of those feared from Ma'add and others
When their zeal refused to be straightened.

٢٤. زِمامُ الَّتي تَخشى مَعَدٌّ وَغَيرُها
إِذا ما أَبى أَن يَستَقيمَ هُمامُها

25. We were angry for your sake, O Banu Marwan, so be angry.
Perhaps souls will be allowed to taste food.

٢٥. غَضِبنا لَكُم يا آلَ مَروانَ فَاِغضَبوا
عَسى أَنَّ أَرواحاً يَسوغُ طَعامُها

26. And do not sever ties with us, for they
Are sins of deeds, feared for their burden.

٢٦. وَلا تَقطَعوا الأَرحامَ مِنّا فَإِنَّها
ذُنوبٌ مِنَ الأَعمالِ يُخشى إِثامُها

27. The living in every land have known
That when the living are counted, we are its nobles,

٢٧. لَقَد عَلِمَ الأَحياءُ في كُلِّ مَوطِنٍ
إِذا عُدَّتِ الأَحياءُ أَنّا كِرامُها

28. And that when the helpers of war don their armor,
We confront it when the heat of war intensifies.

٢٨. وَأَنّا إِذا الحَربُ العَوانُ تَضَرَّمَت
نَليها إِذا ما الحَربُ شُبَّ ضِرامُها

29. The pillar of Islam and the command, all of it,
And is there any obedience but by Tamim, its pillar?

٢٩. قِوامُ عُرى الإِسلامُ وَالأَمرِ كُلِّهِ
وَهَل طاعَةٌ إِلّا تَميمٌ قِوامُها

30. But my soul is ransomed for Tamim from that
Feared for anarchy and terror of its blame.

٣٠. وَلَكِن فَدَت نَفسي تَميماً مِنَ الَّتي
يُخافُ الرَدى فيها وَيُرهَبُ ذامُها

31. Our might - the land above complains of it to God,
And knows we are its heaviness and burden.

٣١. إِلى اللَهِ تَشكو عِزَّنا الأَرضُ فَوقَها
وَتَعلَمُ أَنّا ثِقلُها وَغَرامُها

32. It complained of us to mighty God, so it heard -
Soon and clearly - none but Him listens to its words.

٣٢. شَكَتنا إِلى اللَهِ العَزيزِ فَأَسمَعَت
قَريباً وَأَعيا مَن سِواهُ كَلامُها

33. We ferociously advance, God willing, in every matter
When a split is feared whose mending cannot be hoped.

٣٣. نَصولُ بِحَولِ اللَهِ في الأَمرِ كُلِّهِ
إِذا خيفَ مِن مَصدوعَةٍ ما اِلتِئامُها

34. Was there not in Islam, both us and you,
Barriers of a mighty pillar, revered in station?

٣٤. أَلَم يَكُ في الإِسلامِ مِنّا وَمِنكُمُ
حَواجِزُ أَركانٍ عَزيزٍ مَرامُها

35. So let Quraysh observe kinship with Tamim
And reciprocate days of a noble abode.

٣٥. فَتَرعى قُرَيشٌ مِن تَميمٍ قَرابَةً
وَتَجزِيَ أَيّاماً كَريماً مَقامُها

36. The sons of Khindif knew we are their household,
Their might and protection, their lofty sign.

٣٦. وَقَد عَلِمَت أَبناءُ خِندِفَ أَنَّنا
ذُراها وَأَنّا عِزُّها وَسَنامُها

37. While you are God's governors, and that which to you
He entrusted, by which uprightness was established.

٣٧. وَأَنتُم وُلاةُ اللَهِ وَلّاكُمُ الَّتي
بِهِ قُوِّمَت حَتّى اِستَقامَ نِظامُها

38. So keep good ties with Tamim of what Tamim you find
When the ropes of religion fray and unravel.

٣٨. صِلوا مِن تَميمٍ ما تَميمٍ تَجِدُّهُ
إِذا ما حِبالُ الدينِ رَثَّت رِمامُها