1. This heart recalled in longing a remembrance
It recalled a yearning it doesn't forget any time
١. تَذَكَّرَ هَذا القَلبُ مِن شَوقِهِ ذِكرا
تَذَكَّرَ شَوقاً لَيسَ ناسِيَهُ عَصرا
2. It recalled Zamiyya whom it doesn't forget
Even if the least of its association with her was ten years
٢. تَذَكَّرَ ظَمياءَ الَّتي لَيسَ ناسِياً
وَإِن كانَ أَدنى عَهدِها حِجَجاً عَشرا
3. No spindle in the valley, the valley of Tihama
Grazes lambs from its precipices, fresh
٣. وَما مُغزِلٌ بِالغَورِ غَورِ تِهامَةٍ
تَرَعّى أَراكاً مِن مَخارِمِها نَضرا
4. From twisted rain the tears graze
To the chin of a child it imagines idle
٤. مِنَ العوجِ حَوّاءَ المَدامِعِ تَرعَوي
إِلى رَشَإٍ طِفلٍ تَخالُ بِهِ فَترا
5. It attained at the top of passion, crazed
So it didn't hold back until they thought it mad
٥. أَصابَت بِأَعلى الوَلوَلانِ حِبالَةً
فَما اِستَمسَكَت حَتّى حَسِبنَ بِها نَفرا
6. Better than Zamiyya the day I met her
No cares went away, their clouds sparse
٦. بِأَحسَنَ مِن ظَمياءَ يَومَ لَقيتُها
وَلا مُزنَةٌ راحَت غَمامَتَها قَصرا
7. And how many turns in Sraima are below her
And enemies of a people who vow my blood a vow
٧. وَكَم دونَها مِن عَطِفٍ في صَريمَةٍ
وَأَعداءِ قَومٍ يَنذُرونَ دَمي نَذرا
8. When they threaten me at Zamiyya it saddened her
And my threat, and she said don't say to him estrangement
٨. إِذا أَوعَدوني عِندَ ظَمياءَ ساءَها
وَعيدي وَقالَت لا تَقولوا لَهُ هُجرا
9. Ziyad called me for a gift but I wasn't
For his closest what a man of repute brought, and ample
٩. دَعاني زِيادٌ لِلعَطاءِ وَلَم أَكُن
لِأَقرَبَهُ ما ساقَ ذو حَسَبٍ وَفرا
10. And in Ziyad's presence if they want their gift
Many men who see in them poverty
١٠. وَعِندَ زِيادٍ لَو يُريدُ عَطاءَهُم
رِجالٌ كَثيرٌ قَد يَرى بِهِمُ فَقرا
11. Sitting at the doors seekers of need
Support from needs or an unspoiled need
١١. قُعودٌ لَدى الأَبوابِ طُلّابُ حاجَةٍ
عَوانٍ مِنَ الحاجاتِ أَو حاجَةٍ بِكرا
12. So when I feared that his gift would be
Rushing darkness or a descending brown
١٢. فَلَمّا خَشيتُ أَن يَكونَ عَطاؤُهُ
أَداهِمَ سوداً أَو مُحَدرَجَةً سُمرا
13. I fled to a craft that harmed its builder
The nights' wakefulness and its roaming the barren land
١٣. فَزِعتَ إِلى حَرفٍ أَضَرَّ بَنِيَّها
سُرى اللَيلِ وَاِستِعراضُها البَلَدَ القَفرا
14. It breathes from an expansive cavity in the chest
When it extends its stubbled jaws
١٤. تَنَفَّسُ مِن بَهوٍ مِنَ الجَوفِ واسِعٍ
إِذا مَدَّ حَيزوماً شَراسيفَها الضَفرا