1. Since you were not his companion,
Along with the two martyrs and the truthful one in Sura,
١. فَأَنتَ إِذ لَم تَكُن إِيّاهُ صاحِبُهُ
مَعَ الشَهيدَينِ وَالصِدّيقِ في السورِ
2. In the highest chambers of Paradise, made
For them there as reward for their blessed effort,
٢. في غُرَفِ الجَنَّةِ العُليا الَّتي جُعِلَت
لَهُم هُناكَ بِسَعيٍ كانَ مَشكورِ
3. Suhayb prayed three times, then handed it down
To Ibn Affan as an unrestricted kingdom,
٣. صَلّى صُهَيبٌ ثَلاثاً ثُمَّ أَنزَلَها
عَلى اِبنِ عَفّانَ مُلكاً غَيرَ مَقصورِ
4. A will from Abu Hafs to his six,
Who were beloved friends of the Guided One and his appointees,
٤. وَصِيَّةً مِن أَبي حَفصٍ لِسِتَّتِهِم
كانوا أَحِبّاءَ مَهدِيٍّ وَمَأمورِ
5. The Emigrants who saw Uthman as the closest of them
When they pledged allegiance to him for it, the House, and Mt. Sinai,
٥. مُهاجِرينَ رَأَوا عُثمانَ أَقرَبَهُم
إِذ بايَعوهُ لَها وَالبَيتَ وَالطورِ
6. So will it remain for you, and God has made it firm
Among you until the Trumpet blast of the Merciful,
٦. فَلَن تَزالُ لَكُم وَاللَهُ أَثبَتَها
فيكُم إِلى نَفخَةِ الرَحمَنِ في الصورِ
7. Indeed, I say to my companions and those below them
From the nobility, reverent, dignified,
٧. إِنّي أَقولُ لِأَصحابي وَدونَهُمُ
مِنَ السَماوَةِ خَرقٌ خاشِعُ القورِ
8. March on and do not worry about fatiguing a mount
To an imam with God's sword, victorious,
٨. سيروا وَلا تَحفِلوا إِتعابَ راحِلَةٍ
إِلى إِمامٍ بِسَيفِ اللَهِ مَنصورِ
9. A letter came to me I was waiting for
To me from you, but I did not come with the caravan,
٩. إِنّي أَتاني كِتابٌ كُنتُ تابِعَهُ
إِلَيَّ مِنكَ وَلَم أُقبِل مَعَ العيرِ
10. No she-camel carried a man like me when the wind
Wrapped me in the garment,
١٠. ما حَمَلَت ناقَةٌ مِن سوقَةٍ رَجُلاً
مِثلي إِذا الريحُ لَفَّتني عَلى الكورِ
11. I honored a people, and was true in the midst of those covered
In the blood of the people, confused,
١١. أَكرَمُ قَوماً وَأَوفى عِندَ مُضلِعَةٍ
لِمُثقَلٍ مِن دِماءِ القَومِ مَبهورِ
12. Except for Quraysh, for God granted it virtue
Along with prophethood, Islam, and goodness,
١٢. إِلّا قُرَيشاً فَإِنَّ اللَهَ فَضَّلَها
مَعَ النُبُوَّةِ بِالإِسلامِ وَالخيرِ
13. From the clan of Harb, and their dwellings in the hillforts
They and their inheritance left you a lofty-walled building,
١٣. مِن آلِ حَربٍ وَفي الأَعياصِ مَنزِلُهُم
هُم وَرَّثوكَ بِناءً عالِيَ السورِ
14. Harb and Marwan, your two ancestors, theirs
Were the great assemblies from the hilltops,
١٤. حَربٌ وَمَروانُ جَدّاكَ اللَذا لَهُما
مِنَ الرَوابي عَظيماتُ الجَماهيرِ
15. You see the faces of the Marwanids, deeming them
When encountered, pure gold dinars,
١٥. تَرى وُجوهَ بَني مَروانَ تَحسِبُها
عِندَ اللِقاءِ مَشوفاتِ الدَنانيرِ
16. Striking for truth when they strike
On the day of meeting, and they are no procrastinators
١٦. الضارِبينَ عَلى حَقٍّ إِذا ضَرَبوا
يَومَ اللِقاءِ وَلَيسوا بِالعَواويرِ