1. If you, O son of a dog, are torn apart by hyenas
And you were not in an alliance, then what will you do?
١. إِذا أَنتَ يا اِبنَ الكَلبِ أَلقَتكَ نَهشَلٌ
وَلَم تَكُ في حِلفٍ فَما أَنتَ صانِعُ
2. Why do you not ask the people about us and about you
When deeds are magnified at critical times?
٢. أَلا تَسأَلونَ الناسَ عَنّا وَعَنَّكُم
إِذا عُظِّمَت عِندَ الأُمورِ الصَنائِعُ
3. Come let the people know which of us
Was subordinate to his companion in the early days
٣. تَعالَوا فَعُدّوا يَعلَمِ الناسُ أَيُّنا
لِصاحِبِهِ في أَوَّلِ الدَهرِ تابِعُ
4. And which tribe is it whose houses contain
The bones of endeavor, amusement, and fleeting joys
٤. وَأَيُّ القَبيلَينِ الَّذي في بُيوتِهِم
عِظامُ المَساعي وَاللُهى وَالدَسائِعُ
5. And where do the chiefs settle their affairs
With truth? And where are the shining swords?
٥. وَأَينَ تُقَضّي المالِكانِ أُمورَها
بِحَقٍّ وَأَينَ الخافِقاتِ اللَوامِعُ
6. And where are the radiant faces in the evening
At the door with long helpful hands?
٦. وَأَينَ الوُجوهُ الواضِحاتِ عَشِيَّةً
عَلى البابِ وَالأَيدي الطِوالُ النَوافِعُ
7. Keep away from the plain, for its ancient parts
Are ours, and the lofty precipitous mountains.
٧. تَنَحَّ عَنِ البَطحاءِ إِنَّ قَديمَها
لَنا وَالجِبالُ الباذِخاتُ الفَوارِعُ
8. We have taken control of the horizons against you -
The moon and stars belong to us.
٨. أَخَذنا بِآفاقِ السَماءِ عَلَيكُمُ
لَنا قَمَراها وَالنُجومُ الطَوالِعُ
9. We have a warhorse that with the thunder of its galloping
Humbles all other horses beneath it.
٩. لَنا مُقرَمٌ يَعلو القُرومَ هَديرُهُ
بِذَخ كُلُّ فَحلٍ دونَهُ مُتَواضِعُ
10. It lusted for his brains when I plucked them out
As a falcon plucks a partridge with its talons.
١٠. هَوى الخَطَفى لَمّا اِختَطَفتُ دِماغَهُ
كَما اِختَطَفَ البازي الخَشاشَ المُقارِعُ
11. Can you match accounts, O base and precise calculators,
With our accounts? To God I shall return.
١١. أَتَعدِلُ أَحساباً لِئاماً أَدِقَّةً
بِأَحسابِنا إِنّي إِلى اللَهِ راجِعُ
12. Whenever the tyrant scowled,
We struck him until the pretender was upright.
١٢. وَكُنّا إِذا الجَبّارُ صَعَّرَ خَدَّهُ
ضَرَبناهُ حَتّى تَستَقيمَ الأَخادِعُ
13. And we made the judgment of Ibn Tayyibah
Come from the spear when the hafts flash.
١٣. وَنَحنُ جَعَلنا لِاِبنِ طَيبَةَ حُكمَهُ
مِنَ الرُمحِ إِذ نَقعُ السَنابِكِ ساطِعُ
14. And every weaned child ends with his weaning,
And every little whelp, though he grow up, still sucks.
١٤. وَكُلُّ فَطيمٍ يَنتَهي لِفِطامِهِ
وَكُلُّ كُلَيبِيٍّ وَإِن شابَ راضِعُ
15. Jarbo increased them in number, joining their number,
As patches are added to the width of a garment.
١٥. تَزَيَّدَ يَربوعٌ بِهِم في عِدادِهِم
كَما زيدَ في عَرضِ الأَديمِ الأَكارِعُ
16. When it is said, "Which people are the worst tribe?"
Kulayb points with his fingers.
١٦. إِذا قيلَ أَيُّ الناسِ شَرُّ قَبيلَةً
أَشارَت كُلَيبٌ بِالأَكُفِّ الأَصابِعُ