1. He wore a Frangie coat over his Khusrawani,
With feelings of Iraqi silk, pleated.
١. لَبِسنَ الفِرَندَ الخُسرُوانِيَّ دونَهُ
مَشاعِرَ مِن خَزِّ العِراقِ المُفَوَّفُ
2. So how could an imprisoned one invite me when between us
Are doors, gates, and a lofty palace?
٢. فَكَيفَ بِمَحبوسٍ دَعاني وَدونَهُ
دُروبٌ وَأَبوابٌ وَقَصرٌ مُشَرَّفُ
3. And horsemen stationed with poised spears,
Under banners upon the high fortresses arranged.
٣. وَصُهبٌ لِحاهُم راكِزونَ رِماحَهُم
لَهُم دَرَقٌ تَحتَ العَوالي مُصَفَّفُ
4. And a harlot none passed by except they divided her among them,
Over whom a pimp sneaks to the mud buildings.
٤. وَضارِيَةٌ ما مَرَّ إِلّا اِقتَسَمنَهُ
عَلَيهِنَّ خَوّاضٌ إِلى الطِنءِ مِخشَفُ
5. The slice of melon from the palace informs us about her
Without words, the sliced tips protruding toward us.
٥. يُبَلِّغُنا عَنها بِغَيرِ كَلامِها
إِلَينا مِنَ القَصرِ البَنانُ المُطَرَّفُ
6. You called upon Him who created the heavens with His hands,
And who is closer to me than my jugular vein and more gentle.
٦. دَعَوتَ الَّذي سَوّى السَمَواتِ أَيدُهُ
وَلَلَّهُ أَدنى مِن وَريدي وَأَلطَفُ
7. To distract her husband from me for a while
With something to divert him from me and from her and so we gain respite.
٧. لِيَشغَلَ عَنّي بَعلَها بِزَمانَةٍ
تُدَلِّهُهُ عَنّي وَعَنها فَنُسعَفُ
8. From the love and passion in our hearts
So the heart's builder recovers from it - the roofed one.
٨. بِما في فُؤادَينا مِنَ الهَمِّ وَالهَوى
فَيَبرَءُ مُنهاضُ الفُؤادِ المُسَقَّفُ
9. He sent water into his eyes that was injurious to them,
And they knew I was more assiduous and more expert.
٩. فَأَرسَلَ في عَينَيهِ ماءً عَلاهُما
وَقَد عَلِموا أَنّي أَطَبُّ وَأَعرَفُ
10. I treated him for two years while she was near,
I could see her, drawing near me time and again so I was elated.
١٠. فَداوَيتُهُ عامَينِ وَهيَ قَريبَةٌ
أَراها وَتَدنو لي مِراراً فَأَرشُفُ
11. A smooth eyelid mixed with kohl
Upon her lips, and the polished, elongated one.
١١. سُلافَةَ جَفنٍ خالَطَتها تَريكَةٌ
عَلى شَفَتَيها وَالذَكِيُّ المُسَوَّفُ
12. Would that we were two camels that do not stop
At a watering hole except to be roped and driven away!
١٢. فَيا لَيتَنا كُنّا بَعيرَينِ لا نَرِد
عَلى مَنهَلٍ إِلّا نُشَلُّ وَنُقذَفُ
13. We both have a penis that fears its erection
Against people - the burner of resting places is covered.
١٣. كِلانا بِهِ عَرٌّ يَخافُ قِرافُهُ
عَلى الناسِ مَطلِيُّ المَساعِرِ أَخشَفُ
14. In an empty land, just the two of us, our clothes
Are of silk and brocade, a coat of mail and wrap.
١٤. بِأَرضٍ خَلاءٍ وَحدَنا وَثِيابُنا
مِنَ الرَيطِ وَالديباجِ دِرعٌ وَمِلحَفُ
15. And no provision except two slices of melon
And white bread from the water of the cloud's bag.
١٥. وَلا زادَ إِلّا فُضلَتانِ سُلافَةٌ
وَأَبيَضُ مِن ماءِ الغَمامَةِ قَرقَفُ
16. And roasted meat from gazelles he hunts
When we desire, a familiar companion.
١٦. وَأَشلاءُ لَحمٍ مِن حُبارى يَصيدُها
إِذا نَحنُ شِئنا صاحِبٌ مُتَأَلَّفُ