
By my life! My life has not been easy upon me,

لعمري وما عمري علي بهين

1. By my life! My life has not been easy upon me,
How miserable is the abode of a guest and neighbor!

١. لَعَمري وَما عُمري عَلَيَّ بِهَيِّنٍ
لَبِئسَ مُناخُ الضَيفُ وَالجارُ عامِرُ

2. Yet no abode of mine thrives except that it is
The dwellings of fated souls with raging hunger.

٢. وَما عامِرٌ مِن دارِمٍ غَيرَ أَنَّها
قَشائِرُ أَعيا نَوؤُها وَهوَ ثائِرُ

3. Had you but withheld your hearts that were
Barren wastes, rigid necks, and flaring nostrils!

٣. لَقَد كانَ فيكُم لَو مَنَعتُم قَليبَكُم
لِحاً وَرِقابٌ عَردَةٌ وَمَناخِرُ