
You are the shelterer, and whoever you shelter,

أنت المجير ومن تجر تعقد له

1. You are the shelterer, and whoever you shelter,
You tie for them the strongest bond of refuge.

١. أَنتَ المُجيرُ وَمَن تُجِر تَعقِد لَهُ
عِندَ الجِوارِ أَشَدَّ عَقدِ جِوارِ

2. I continued in the vanities of a slumbering lion
Until Abu Sayyar came to my rescue.

٢. ما زِلتُ في لَهَواتِ لَيثٍ مُخدِرٍ
حَتّى تَدارَكَني أَبو سَيّارِ

3. He threw down to me, on the cheeks of a deep abyss,
A strong rope, to cross over in haste.

٣. أَلقى إِلَيَّ عَلى شَقائِقِ هُوَّةٍ
حَبلاً شَديداً غارَةَ الإِمرارِ

4. A rope I took hold of, and with it he saved me -
My Lord, with the grace of a forgiving savior.

٤. حَبلاً أَخَذتُ بِهِ فَنَجّاني بِهِ
رَبّي بِنِعمَةِ مُدرِكٍ غَفّارِ

5. I hope to go out with Khalid, and with Khalid
The thickets are cleared for the glancing eyes.

٥. أَرجو الخُروجَ بِخالِدٍ وَبِخالِدٍ
يُجلى العَشا لِكَواسِفِ الأَبصارِ

6. For Khalid I found among his people
Two lights that took away all daylight.

٦. إِنّي وَجَدتُ لِخالِدٍ في قَومِهِ
ضَوءَينِ قَد ذَهَبا بِكُلِّ نَهارِ

7. In excellence they surpassed every noble virtue
That makes the tribes proud each passing day.

٧. في الشِركِ قَد سَبَقا بِكُلِّ كَريمَةٍ
تَعلو القَبائِلَ كُلَّ يَومِ فَخارِ

8. As for the houses, you have built above them
A house with the tallest suits of armor and bracelets.

٨. أَمّا البُيوتُ فَقَد بَنَيتُم فَوقَها
بَيتاً بِأَطوَلِ أَدرُعٍ وَسَواري

9. A house with which the Glorious raised their glory
For his sons on the day of competing dangers.

٩. بَيتاً بِهِ رَفَعَ المُعَلّى مَجدَهُم
لِبَنيهِ يَومَ تَفاضُلِ الأَخطارِ