1. By my life, Ibn Thawr has certainly made the Bani Nahshal arrogant,
Just as ornaments make the bride vain,
١. لَعَمري لَقَد كانَ اِبنُ ثَورٍ لِنَهشَلٍ
غَروراً كَما غَرَّ السَليمَ تَمائِمُه
2. So he led them on until when they wavered,
At the pit of death, its ladders made them fall.
٢. فَدَلّاهُمُ حَتّى إِذا ما تَذَبذَبوا
بِمَهواةِ نيقٍ أَسلَمَتهُم سَلالِمُه
3. And so he who protects Umaylah and her son,
Became permitted, though forbidden his sanctities.
٣. فَأَصبَحَ مَن تَحمي رُمَيلَةُ وَاِبنُها
مُباحاً حِماهُ مُستَحَلّاً مَحارِمُه
4. And the like of you, I have sized up your worth,
When men look how I pelt you with stones.
٤. وَمِثلُكَ قَد أَبطَرتُهُ قَدرَ ذَرعِهِ
إِذا نَظَرَ الأَقوامُ كَيفَ أُراجِمُه
5. So who will drive away the bird of ill omen? For verily
Misfortunes befell the son of Mas'ud and increased his woes,
٥. فَمَن يَزدَجِر طَيرَ اليَمينِ فَإِنَّما
جَرَت لِاِبنِ مَسعودٍ يَزيدَ أَشائِمُه
6. Listen and pay heed, O Yazeed, to my speech,
And will you, if I make the truth clear to you, understand?
٦. تَسَمَّع وَأَنصِت يا يَزيدُ مَقالَتي
وَهَل أَنتَ إِن أَفهَمتُكَ الحَقَّ فاهِمُه
7. I will inform you what all the people know,
And nothing is unknown to the knowledgeable.
٧. أُنَبِّئكَ ما قَد يَعلَمُ الناسُ كُلُّهُم
وَما جاهِلٌ شَيئاً كَمَن هُوَ عالِمُه
8. Do you not see that we are superior to you,
As the best of wings are the first to arrive?
٨. أَلَم تَرَ أَنّا نَحنُ أَفضَلُ مِنكُمُ
قَديماً كَما خَيرُ الجَناحِ قَوادِمُه
9. And the builder of honor has always been from us,
And among men is the builder and demolisher of the house of honor.
٩. وَما زالَ باني العِزِّ مِنّا وَبَيتُهُ
وَفي الناسِ باني بَيتِ عِزٍّ وَهادِمُه
10. From ancient times we inherited it in Tubba's era,
Its pillars lofty, its supports firm.
١٠. قَديماً وَرِثناهُ عَلى عَهدِ تُبَّعٍ
طِوالاً سَواريهِ شِداداً دَعائِمُه
11. And how many prisoners have we ransomed and how much blood,
Have we taken on when the debtor was heavily burdened?
١١. وَكَم مِن أَسيرٍ قَد فَكَكنا وَمِن دَمٍ
حَمَلنا إِذا ما ضاجَ بِالثِقلِ غارِمُه
12. O Bani Nahshal, your insults will not reach,
The outlets of my words wherever its dams have vented.
١٢. بَني نَهشَلٍ لَن تُدرِكوا بِسِبابِكُم
نَوافِذَ قَولي حَيثُ غَبَّت عَوارِمُه
13. When are you the guest of the Nahshali, you will find, if he so wishes,
Scant his generosity, paltry his foods.
١٣. مَتى تَكُ ضَيفَ النَهشَلِيَّ إِذا شَتا
تَجِد ناقِصَ المِقرى خَبيثاً مَطاعِمُه
14. Do you not know, O sons of Riqaash, that I,
When my war chooses the likes of you, do not befriend him?
١٤. أَلَم تَعلَما يا اِبنَي رِقاشٍ بِأَنَّني
إِذا اِختارَ حَربي مِثلُكُم لا أُسالِمُه