
I almost lost my composure, were it not for my forbearance,

لقد كدت لولا الحلم تدرك حفظتي

1. I almost lost my composure, were it not for my forbearance,
One day at Al-Waqbah when accusing Daisam.

١. لَقَد كِدتُ لَولا الحِلمُ تُدرِكُ حِفظَتي
عَلى الوَقَبى يَوماً مَقالَةُ دَيسَمِ

2. I held myself back from Mu'adh though he had clearly
Become the fighter of the throng at Rukiyah.

٢. وَنَهنَهتُ نَفسي عَن مُعاذٍ وَقَد بَدَت
مُقاتِلُ مَجهورِ الرَكِيَّةِ مُسلَمِ

3. Were it not for the Banu Hind, I would have punished
Qudamah or he of the snarling mouth.

٣. وَلَولا بَنو هِندٍ لَنالَت عُقوبَتي
قُدامَةَ أَولى ذا الفَمِ المُتَثَلِّمِ

4. Rather, I called on the nobles of Mazin
For its days of brightness and gloom.

٤. وَلَكِنَّني اِستَبقَيتُ أَعرادَ مازِنٍ
لِأَيّامِها مِن مُستَنيرٍ وَمُظلِمِ

5. Men with mouths from which spears never depart,
Whose streets flow not with their tribesmen's blood.

٥. أُناسٍ بِثَغرٍ ما تَزالُ رِماحُهُم
شَوارِعَ مِن غَيرِ العَشيرَةِ في الدَمِ

6. I have bound them with a pact from what I say -
A long lasting one, unlike the flimsy one of Qayyim.

٦. لَعَصَّبتُهُ مِمّا أَقولُ عِصابَةً
طَويلاً أَذاها مِن عِصابَةِ قَيِّمِ

7. Why did the sister of Yarbu build her abode against me
And say to me on a night of masks:

٧. عَلامَ بَنَت أُختُ اليَرابيعِ بَيتَها
عَلَيَّ وَقالَت لي بِلَيلٍ تَعَمَّمِ

8. "When I do not make her perfume a perfume but blind
The eyes of the complainers?"

٨. إِذا أَنا لَم أَجعَل مَكانَ لَبونِها
لَبوناً وَأَفقَء ناظِرَ المُتَظَلِّمِ

9. The she-camel of Yarbu which bowed its ceiling
To its mother from a pasture near Dahtham.

٩. وَنابُ اليَرابيعِ الَّتي حَنَّ سَقبُها
إِلى أُمِّهِ مِن ضَيعَةٍ عِندَ دَهثَمِ

10. You both passed the cattle of Bakr ibn Wa'il
To the two she-camels of the herdsman Nu'aym ibn Dirham.

١٠. تَجاوَزتُما أَنعامَ بَكرِ اِبنِ وائِلٍ
إِلى لِقحَتَي راعي نُعَيمِ اِبنِ دِرهَمِ

11. Were it not for Ibn Mas'ud Sa'eed, I would have hit him
With a piercing arrow disliked by skin and blood.

١١. فَلَولا اِبنُ مَسعودٍ سَعيدٌ رَمَيتُهُ
بِنافِذَةٍ تَستَكرِهُ الجِلدَ بِالدَمِ