
The throngs of Jarbu increase against you, and Malik has supremacy

تكاثر يربوع عليك ومالك

1. The throngs of Jarbu increase against you, and Malik has supremacy
Over the family of Jarbu, yet you have no stage left.

١. تَكاثَرُ يَربوعٌ عَلَيكَ وَمالِكٌ
عَلى آلِ يَربوعٍ فَما لَكَ مَسرَحُ

2. If people were to divide up actions, you would find us
Having a chalice of glorious deeds, and the people a chalice.

٢. إِذا اِقتَسَمَ الناسُ الفَعالَ وَجَدتَنا
لَنا مِقدَحا مَجدٍ وَلِلناسِ مِقدَحُ

3. So disdain the two abject ones with your sword blades and draw
Your drink with pride, that drink you used to gulp down.

٣. فَأَغضِ بِشُفرَيكَ الذَليلَينِ وَاِجتَدِح
شَرابَكَ ذا الغَيلِ الَّذي كُنتَ تَجدَحُ

4. And rebutting you were unveiled women, your wives,
With us on a white day, long-necked bustards gashed.

٤. وَرَدَّ عَلَيكُم مُردَفاتٍ نِساءَكُم
بِنا يَومَ ذي بيضٍ صَلادِمُ قُرَّحُ

5. And every long-armed one was as though
He were a noisy bell, clanging at people a meaningless clang.

٥. وَكُلُّ طَويلُ الساعِدَينِ كَأَنَّهُ
قَريعُ هِجانٍ يَخبِطُ الناسَ شَرمَحُ

6. So killing and stabbing them with spears brought them down,
And white swords in the hands of Mughirah bled them.

٦. فَأَنزَلَهُنَّ الضَربُ وَالطَعنُ بِالقَنا
وَبيضٌ بِأَيمانِ المُغيرَةِ تَجرَحُ

7. And we attacked the black-faced ones as though they were
Crows, or uglier than they in their shirts.

٧. وَرَدنا عَلى سودِ الوُجوهِ كَأَنَّهُم
ظَرابِيُّ أَو هُم في القَراميصِ أَقبَحُ

8. When they asked them for an embrace, they refused them
And ransomed the lives of Malik's horsemen when they woke up,

٨. إِذا سَأَلوهُنَّ العِناقَ مَنَعنَهُم
وَفَدَّينَ حَيَّي مالِكٍ حينَ أَصبَحوا

9. While Jarir and Qays were like a dog and a company of them
That spends the night prowling around it, circling and barking,

٩. جَريرٌ وَقَيسٍ مِثلُ كَلبٍ وَثُلَّةٍ
يَبيتُ حَوالَيها يَطوفُ وَيَنبَحُ

10. And it is nothing to it but that its barking
Keeps it awake in their milk when dawn breaks,

١٠. وَما هُوَ مِنها غَيرَ أَنَّ نِباحَهُ
لِيونِعَ في أَلبانِها حينَ يُصبِحُ

11. And one of us embraced the cowardly poltroons and repelled him
Back to the tribe, someone far removed from the origin, a spineless wretch.

١١. وَعانَقَ مِنّا الحَوفَزانَ فَرَدَّهُ
إِلى الحَيِّ ذو رِدءٍ عَنِ الأَصلِ مِزرَحُ