
He inherited the caliphate from seven of his forefathers

ورث الخلافة سبعة آباءه

1. He inherited the caliphate from seven of his forefathers
Who ruled, each ascending to the highest pulpit

١. وَرِثَ الخِلافَةَ سَبعَةً آباءَهُ
عَمِروا وَكُلُّهُمُ لِأَعلى المِنبَرِ

2. With the Lord above him, delivering sermons standing
Rallying the people with mighty rule

٢. رَبٌّ عَلَيهِ يَظَلُّ يَخطُبُ قائِماً
لِلناسِ يَشدَخُهُم بِمُلكٍ قَسوَرِ

3. They inherited its counsel from Uthman
Which was the inheritance of our chosen Prophet

٣. وَرِثوا مَشورَتَها لِعُثمانَ الَّتي
كانَت تُراثَ نَبِيِّنا المُتَخَيَّرِ

4. The pillar of your house was established among Quraysh
Among the most generous and the most numerous

٤. وَعِمادُ بَيتِكَ في قُرَيشٍ رُكِّبَت
في الأَكرَمينَ وَفي العَديدِ الأَكثَرِ

5. Nothing compares to your hands, better than them
Where they joined and the seas overflowed

٥. لا شَيءَ مِثلُ يَدَيكَ خَيرٌ مِنهُما
حَيثُ اِلتَقَت بِيَدَيكَ فَيضُ الأَبحُرِ

6. The winds stopped blowing at Al-Walid
When they raged with him, and the overflowing of his right hand did not cease

٦. فَتَرَ الرِياحُ عَنِ الوَليدِ إِذا غَدَت
مَعَهُ وَفَيضُ يَمينِهِ لَم يَفتُرِ

7. Who comes to Al-Walid's meadow and takes shelter in it
From fear of an injury that does no harm

٧. مَن يَأتِ رابِيَةَ الوَليدِ وَدِفأَها
مِن خائِفٍ لِجَريرَةٍ لا يُضرَرِ

8. The bestower of a hundred births, who trained them
For the valiant, and the one with the green mantle

٨. الواهِبُ المِئَةَ المَخاضَ وَعَبدَها
لِلمُجتَديهِ وَذو الجَنابِ الأَخضَرِ

9. So every neighbor ransomed you
And they guaranteed your covenant without breach

٩. فَفَداكَ كُلُّ مُجاوِرٍ جيرانُهُ
وَرَدوا بِذِمَّةِ حَبلِهِ لَم يُصدَرِ

10. War and Yusuf poured in his basin
And Abu Al-Walid with the best of two basins filled

١٠. حَربٌ وَيوسُفُ أَفرَغا في حَوضِهِ
وَأَبو الوَليدِ بِخَيرِ حَوضَي مُقتِرِ

11. The two basins of Abu Al-Hakam which were filled for him
From the muddy Euphrates

١١. حَوضا أَبي الحَكَمِ اللَذانِ لِعيصِهِ
وَالمُترَعانِ مِنَ الفُراتِ الأَكدَرِ

12. Those who rebelled against the son of Affan
Did not quench their thirst from the most abundant drink

١٢. إِنَّ الَّذينَ عَلى اِبنِ عَفّانٍ بَغَوا
لَم يَحقُنوها في السَقاءِ الأَوفَرِ

13. They were killed in every pass and town
With patience, and the tax of those who did not show patience

١٣. قُتِلوا بِكُلِّ ثَنِيَّةٍ وَمَدينَةٍ
صَبراً وَمَيتُ ضَريبَةٍ لَم يَصبُرِ

14. And the people know that we are their masters
When their pilgrims met ours at Mash'ar

١٤. وَالناسُ يَعلَمُ أَنَّنا أَربابُهُم
يَومَ اِلتَقى حُجّاجُهُم بَالمَشعَرِ

15. And you see for them in Mina houses of honor
Whose edges the poles of the litters rose over

١٥. وَتَرى لَهُم بِمِنىً بُيوتَ أَعِزَّةٍ
رَفَعَت جَوانِبَها صُقوبَ العَرعَرِ

16. They stand waiting behind our backs
Until we turn away with a nose held high

١٦. يَقِفونَ يَنتَظِرونَ خَلفَ ظُهورِنا
حَتّىنَميلَ بِعارِضٍ مُثعَنجِرِ